You Searched For: Ethyl 2,2-difluoro-2-(2-methylphenyl)acetate
2,218 results were found
Solvants PESTINORM® SUPRA TRACE pour l'analyse des traces de pesticides et de substances organiques
Solvants PESTINORM® SUPRA TRACE pour l'analyse des traces de pesticides et de substances organiques PESTINORM® SUPRA TRACE – un solvant universel pour toutes les applications Onze solvants de haute pureté pour toutes les analyses d'échantillons or...
Pumping Flammable Liquids
Pumping Flammable Liquids In terms of lab safety pumping flammable liquids can create hazardous conditions. Both fire and explosions can result if safe handling of materials is not adhered to by lab workers students and researchers. Examples of li...
Europejskie standardy dla rękawic ochronnych
Europejskie standardy dla rękawic ochronnych Oznaczenie CE rękawic ochronnych Rękawice ochronne to środki ochrony osobistej lub ŚOI. Produkty ŚOI są certyfikowane zgodnie z Dyrektywą Europejską 89/686/EC. Dyrektywa ta określa podstawowe wymagania ...
RANKEM GC standard-Anniversary offer
RANKEM GC standard-Anniversary offer Lets celebrate Rankem GC standard Launch Anniversary Buy any of the below GC standard @ 40 % discount Rankem offers a wide range of GC standards for chromatographic and analytical applications & allows the anal...
Pumping Flammable Liquids
Pumping Flammable Liquids In terms of lab safety pumping flammable liquids can create hazardous conditions. Both fire and explosions can result if safe handling of materials is not adhered to by lab workers students and researchers. Examples of li...
Pumping Flammable Liquids
Pumping Flammable Liquids In terms of lab safety pumping flammable liquids can create hazardous conditions. Both fire and explosions can result if safe handling of materials is not adhered to by lab workers students and researchers. Examples of li...
Pumping Flammable Liquids
Pumping Flammable Liquids In terms of lab safety pumping flammable liquids can create hazardous conditions. Both fire and explosions can result if safe handling of materials is not adhered to by lab workers students and researchers. Examples of li...
Low Pressure Chromatography Products for Analytical Chemistry
Low Pressure Chromatography Low Pressure Chromatography Preparative or purification chromatography is used to isolate a compound in a quantity and at a purity level needed for further experiments or processes by isolating that compound from starti...
~~Normas europeas para guantes de protección~~
Normas europeas para guantes de protección Marcado CE de guantes de protección Los guantes de protección son equipos de protección personal o EPI. Los productos EPI están certificados de acuerdo con la Directiva Europea 89/686 / EC. Esta directiva...
Flammable Liquids Pump Need to Knows
Pump for Flammable Liquids Guidelines Flammable liquids in a laboratory environment can pose significant fire hazards. But that doesn’t mean one can simply avoid using them. In certain cases scientific progress indicates the use of dangerous chemi...
Apollo Scientific - Blocos de construção, fluoroquímicos e reagentes de síntese
Apollo Scientific - Blocos de construção fluoroquímicos e reagentes de síntese Apollo Scientific é um especialista no fabrico e fornecimento de compostos aromáticos heterocíclicos e alifáticos e também fluoroquimicos e reagentes de Life Science. C...
GC In gas chromatography, sample preparation is critical to obtain the right result. Choosing the right chemicals for your method and application will help you for a succesful analysis. VWR offers a broad range of chemicals for sample preparation ...
GC In gas chromatography sample preparation is critical to obtain the right result. Choosing the right chemicals for your method and application will help you for a succesful analysis. VWR offers a broad range of chemicals for sample preparation o...
GC In gas chromatography sample preparation is critical to obtain the right result. Choosing the right chemicals for your method and application will help you for a succesful analysis. VWR offers a broad range of chemicals for sample preparation o...
81 - 96 of 2,218