Applications and Protocols

Life Science Research Solutions, Products, and Resources
Whether you need equipment and supplies for your laboratory applications, biopharma product support or products ensuring carefully controlled environments at your facility—Avantor can help.

Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry
Avantor has the resources to make your Chromatography or Mass Spectrometry applications run effectively—from the measuring apparatus needed for chromatography, or the proteins for mass spectrometry.

Analytical Chemistry
Avantor carries a broad range of trusted products to help you meet the needs of your lab applications and protocols. Our product offerings can help with biomedical research, forensic work, and clinical diagnostics.

Biopharma Production
Our bioprocessing products are engineered to the highest quality standards and regulatory requirements. Explore our solutions for multiple applications - vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, recombinant proteins, cell or gene therapy.

Nothing is more important in the lab, manufacturing facility or other workplace as your health and safety. Avantor® can help with a robust line of safety products and personal protective equipment -- from waste bins to safety signs.

Controlled Environment Solutions
Cleanrooms or other controlled environments used for research or manufacturing need specialized products. Avantor can help maintain cleanroom standards with protective apparel and environmental monitoring equipment.