Edible Oils & Fat Analysis

From the checking of rancidity in cooking oils to the content of fats in food with the soxhlet method, VWR offers a solution.
Product selection

VWR Chemicals Reagents
The AnalaR NORMAPUR range provides a comprehensive solvent range, suitable for soxhlet reactions.

Merck Reagents
The EMSURE® and EMPARTA® grade solvents from Merck offer you the right choice for all classical analytical analysis techniques...

Extraction Thimbles
A range of extraction thimbles suitable for all type of extractors...

Heating Mantles
Extraction mantle heaters, with a choice of multiple recesses with or without stirring and capacities...

Oil Testers
Ebro food monitor Fom 310 is an on-site instrument allowing an exact determination of the frying oil quality directly in the fryer...

Test Kits
Quick tests for evaluating the deterioration of fats in cooking oils and fats...