- Bags
- Balances and Scales
- Barcode and RFID Systems
- Barometers
- Barrels, Kegs, Drums
- Baskets
- Baths
- Batteries
- Beads
- Beakers
- Binders and Indexes
- Bins
- Bioreactors
- Blade Removers and Dispensers
- Block Heaters
- Blood
- Blood Lancets
- Blotting Apparatus
- Blotting Kits
- Blotting Papers
- Boats
- BOD Measurement Systems
- Boiling Stones
- Bone Cutters and Rongeurs
- Bottle Top Dispensers
- Bottles
- Boxes
- Brooms
- Brushes
- Bubblers
- Buckets
- Buffers
- Burettes
- Butyrometers
- Cables
- Calculators
- Calipers
- Calorimeters
- Cameras
- Cannulae
- Carriers
- Cell Counters and Flow Cytometers
- Cell Culture Media
- Cell Culture Supplements and Additives
- Cell Freezing Media
- Cell Scrapers
- Cell Separation Media
- Cell Strainers
- Cells
- Centrifuges
- Chairs
- Chart Recorders
- Charts
- Chromatography Columns
- Chromatography Detectors
- Chromatography Sorbents
- Chromatography Systems
- Circulating Thermostats
- Circulator Bath Fluids
- Clamps
- Cleaning Agents
- Clinical Diagnostic Supplies
- Cloning Kits and Ligation
- Closures
- Coating Testers
- Colony Counters
- Colorimeters
- Competent Cells
- Condensers
- Connectors
- Controllers
- Controls and Calibration Verification Materials
- Coolers
- Cooling Packs
- Cover Glasses
- Covers
- Coverslippers
- Crucibles
- Cryogenic Straws
- Cryopreservation Systems
- Cryoscopes
- Culture Dishes
- Cuvettes
- Cylinders
- Data Loggers
- Density Meters
- Deodorants and Air Fresheners
- Desiccators
- Desk Supply Holders
- Dewars and Cryogenic Vessels
- Digestion Systems
- Disinfectants
- Disinfection Systems
- Disposable Garments
- Dissecting Boards
- Dissection Needles
- Distillation Components
- Distillation Systems
- Document Holders
- Drug Tests
- Drum Storage
- Dry Ice Makers
- Durometers
- Dustpans
- Dynamometers
- Earmuffs
- Earplugs
- Electrical Meters
- Electrical Sockets
- Electrochemistry Meters
- Electrode Holders
- Electrodes
- Electrolytes
- Electromagnetic Field Meters
- Electronic Alcohol Meters
- Electrophoresis Gels
- Electrophoresis Power Supplies
- Electrophoresis Reagents
- Electrophoresis Sequencers
- Electrophoresis Stains
- Electrophoresis Systems
- Electroporation Plates
- Electroporation Systems
- End-point PCR Enzymes and Kits
- Environmental Test Kits
- Enzymes
- Ergonomic Supports
- Evaporators
- Face Shields
- Fall Protection
- Faucets and Sinks
- Film Applicators
- Film Processing Supplies
- Filters
- Finger Cots
- First Aid Supplies
- Fittings and Connectors
- Fixings
- Flasks
- Floor Mats
- Flow Meters
- Food and Beverage Test Systems
- Foodservice Supplies
- Forceps
- Forceps and Instrument Holders
- Forks
- Freeze Dryers
- Freezers
- Freezing Sprays
- Fume Hoods and Enclosures
- Funnels
- Furniture
- Magnets
- Magnifiers
- Mailers and Shipping Containers
- Manifolds
- Manometers
- Masks
- Measuring and Leveling Tools
- Media for Microbiology
- Media Preparators
- Microarray Reagents
- Microbiology Test Systems
- Micrometers
- Microplate Dispensers
- Microplate Readers
- Microplate Washers
- Microplates
- Microscope Objectives
- Microscopes
- Microscopy and staining reagents
- Microtomes and Microtome Assemblies
- Mills
- Mirrors
- Models
- Monitoring Systems
- Mops
- Mortars and Pestles
- Paper
- Paraffin Wax Trimmers and Dispensers
- PCR Cyclers
- Pens
- Petri Dish Fillers
- pH Calibration Buffers
- Photodocumentation Systems
- Pipette Stands
- Pipette Tips
- Pipettes
- Polarimeters
- Power Supplies
- PPE Dispensers
- Presses
- Primers and Probes
- Printers
- Protein Expression
- Protein Extraction
- Protein Linking and Labeling Systems
- Protein Purification
- Proteins and Peptides
- Pumps
- Racks
- Radiation Meters
- Razors and Blades
- Reaction Vessels
- Reagent Reservoirs
- Redox Electrodes
- Reflectometers
- Refractometers
- Refrigerators
- Respirators
- Restriction Enzymes
- Retort Rings
- Retort Rods
- Retort Stands
- Retractors
- RNA Synthesis and Transcription
- RNAi
- Roller Culture Apparatus
- RT-PCR and cDNA Reagents
- Rulers
- Safety Cans
- Safety Glasses
- Sample Containers
- Sample Dividers
- Samplers
- Sanger Sequencing Reagents
- Scalpels and Scalpel Assemblies
- Scissors
- Scoops
- Scrapers
- Seals
- Security Locks
- Septa
- Sera (Serum)
- Shakers
- Shelves
- Shields
- Shoes and Boots
- Sieves
- Sign Holders
- Signs
- Skincare
- Slide Boxes
- Slide Holders
- Slide Mailers
- Slide Stainers
- Slide Warmers/Dryers
- Slides
- Soap Dispensers and Lotion Soap Dispensers
- Software
- Solid Rods
- Sound Meters
- Spatulas
- Specific Gravity Bottles
- Specimen Mounting Supplies
- Spectrophotometers and Photometers
- Spill Control Materials
- Spiral Platers
- Spoons
- Spray Dryers
- Spray Guns
- Spreaders
- Staining Boxes
- Stains
- Standards
- Staplers
- Sterilisation Indicators
- Sterilisers
- Stirrers
- Stopcocks
- Stoppers
- Storage Cabinets
- Supports
- Surface Protectors
- Surface Treatments
- Sutures
- Swabs
- Syringes
- Tables and Workbenches
- Tachometers
- Tanks
- Temperature Indicating Strips
- Temperature Probes
- Tensiometers
- Test Papers
- Testing Chambers
- Thermometers
- Timers
- Tissue Embedders
- Tissue Processors
- Titrators
- TLC Development Tanks
- TLC Plate Applicators
- TLC Plate Monitors
- TLC Plates
- Tongs
- Tongue Depressors
- Traffic Safety
- Transfection Reagents
- Transfer Membranes
- Transformation Reagents
- Transilluminators
- Trays/Dishes/Pots
- Trolleys
- Tubes
- Tubing
- Turbidity Meters