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You Searched For: Bis(perfluoroisopropyl)ketone

2,529  results were found

Organisk syntese med Thermo Scientific kjemikalier

Organisk syntese med Thermo Scientific kjemikalier Oppdag reagenser og materiale for syntese og studer reaksjonsmekanismer inklusive luft- og fuktighetssensitive reagenser og byggemoduler. Vår ekstensive samling av kjemikalier og reagenser gir rom...

Secondary reference standards for Gas Chromatography

Secondary reference standards for Gas Chromatography Wide range of 24 different GC secondary reference standards for various chromatographic and analytical applications. FDA USP and EP all recognise the use of secondary standards and working stand...

Vulcanization of Siloxanes

Vulcanization of Siloxanes For additional flexibility when selecting silicone tubing we now offer two types of silicone tubing platimum and peroxide vulcanized (cured). Both silicone types are USP Class VI approved and FDA compliant and they have ...

Vulcanization of Siloxanes

Vulcanization of Siloxanes For additional flexibility when selecting silicone tubing we now offer two types of silicone tubing platimum and peroxide vulcanized (cured). Both silicone types are USP Class VI approved and FDA compliant and they have ...

Vulcanization of Siloxanes

Vulcanization of Siloxanes For additional flexibility when selecting silicone tubing we now offer two types of silicone tubing platimum and peroxide vulcanized (cured). Both silicone types are USP Class VI approved and FDA compliant and they have ...

Vulcanization of Siloxanes

Vulcanization of Siloxanes For additional flexibility when selecting silicone tubing we now offer two types of silicone tubing platimum and peroxide vulcanized (cured). Both silicone types are USP Class VI approved and FDA compliant and they have ...

Organic synthesis with Thermo Scientific chemicals

Organic synthesis with Thermo Scientific chemicals Explore our reagents and materials for synthesis and study of reaction mechanisms including air- and moisture-sensitive reagents and building blocks. Our extensive collection of chemicals and reag...

Organic synthesis with Thermo Scientific chemicals

Organic synthesis with Thermo Scientific chemicals Explore our reagents and materials for synthesis and study of reaction mechanisms including air- and moisture-sensitive reagents and building blocks. Our extensive collection of chemicals and reag...

Vulcanization of Siloxanes

Vulcanization of Siloxanes For additional flexibility when selecting silicone tubing we now offer two types of silicone tubing platimum and peroxide vulcanized (cured). Both silicone types are USP Class VI approved and FDA compliant and they have ...

Masterflex Connection Newsletter Vol.3-3 - Specialty pump tubing is the winner in those challenging applications

Masterflex Connection Newsletter Vol.3-3 - Specialty pump tubing is the winner in those challenging applications Specialty pump tubing is the winner in those challenging applications Masterflex® tubing pumps are ideal for pumping chemicals. The pe...

Secondary reference standards for Gas Chromatography

Secondary reference standards for Gas Chromatography Wide range of 24 different GC secondary reference standards for various chromatographic and analytical applications. FDA USP and EP all recognise the use of secondary standards and working stand...

Organische Synthese mit Chemikalien von Thermo Scientific

Organische Synthese mit Chemikalien von Thermo Scientific Entdecken Sie Reagenzien und Materialien für die Synthese und das Studium von Reaktionsmechanismen einschließlich luft- und feuchtigkeitsempfindlicher Reagenzien und Bausteine. Das umfangre...

Organisk syntese med Thermo Scientific kemikalier

Organisk syntese med Thermo Scientific kemikalier Udforsk reagenser og materialer til syntese og undersøgelse af reaktionsmekanismer herunder luft- og fugtfølsomme reagenser og byggesten. Vores omfattende samling af kemikalier og reagenser muliggø...

Masterflex Connection Newsletter Vol.3-3 - Specialty pump tubing is the winner in those challenging applications

Masterflex Connection Newsletter Vol.3-3 - Specialty pump tubing is the winner in those challenging applications Specialty pump tubing is the winner in those challenging applications Masterflex® tubing pumps are ideal for pumping chemicals. The pe...
17 - 32 of 2,529