You Searched For: 5-Bromo-3-fluoro-2-(methylsulphonyl)pyridine
105 results were found
Sintesi organica con i prodotti chimici Thermo Scientific
Sintesi organica con i prodotti chimici Thermo Scientific Scopri i nostri reagenti e materiali per la sintesi e lo studio dei meccanismi di reazione compresi i reagenti e i building block sensibili all'aria e all'umidità. La nostra ampia collezion...
Karl Fischer reagents for water determination
Karl Fischer reagents for water determination For analytical chemists who need accurate water content – every time These reagents cover the whole range of volumetric and coulometric reagents for the determination of water by Karl Fischer method. R...
R&D, QA/QC, ensaio
R&D QA/QC ensaio Ciência avançada de baterias - Produtos químicos e matérias-primas – R&D QA/QC ensaio A Avantor está a colocar em movimento a ciência das baterias para criar um mundo melhor Avantor também possui uma ampla gama de produtos químico...
Karl Fischer reagents for water determination
Karl Fischer reagents for water determination For analytical chemists who need accurate water content – every time These reagents cover the whole range of volumetric and coulometric reagents for the determination of water by Karl Fischer method. R...
I+D, QA/QC, ensayos
I+D QA/QC ensayos Ciencia avanzada de baterías – Productos químicos y materias primas – I+D QA/QC ensayos Avantor impulsa la ciencia avanzada de las baterías para crear un mundo mejor Avantor ofrece también una amplia gama de productos químicos pa...
Riciclaggio delle batterie
Riciclaggio delle batterie Riciclaggio delle batterie Avantor mette in moto la scienza avanzata delle batterie per creare un mondo migliore Le batterie agli ioni di litio contengono spesso metalli utili e preziosi di alta qualità ma anche sostanze...
R&S, QA/CQ, test
R&S QA/CQ test Scienza avanzata delle batterie - Prodotti chimici e materie prime - R&S QA/CQ test Avantor mette in moto la scienza avanzata delle batterie per creare un mondo migliore Avantor offre anche un'ampia gamma di prodotti chimici per la ...
Acros Organics
Acros Organics Az Acros Organics™ termékkínálata több mint 18 000 szerves molekulát, többek között alapvető vegyszereket, funkcionális reagenseket és szerves kémiai építőelemeket tartalmaz. Az Acros Organics™ kínálatának célja a kutatásban, fejles...
Merck – Creative Solutions for Organic Synthesis
Merck – Creative Solutions for Organic Synthesis Merck provides an extensive portfolio of products for laboratory and production scale organic synthesis from their Sigma-Aldrich® portfolio. Their products range from building blocks reagents and so...
Honeywell Research Chemicals
Honeywell Research Chemicals The history of Honeywell Research Chemicals dates back more than 200 years to when Chemist Johann Daniel Riedel started production of pharmaceuticals in Berlin and to when high-purity solvent manufacturing began in Mus...
Original and Accurate Hydranal™ Karl Fischer Reagents
Original and Accurate Hydranal™ Karl Fischer Reagents Leading the way in innovation and safety since 1979 Hydranal™ reagents for Karl Fischer (KF) titration have been recognized as the most trusted brand in the industry. The Hydranal portfolio is ...
Karl Fischer Reagents for Moisture Analysis
Karl Fischer Reagents for Moisture Analysis Karl Fischer Titration (KF or KFT) is the leading method for measuring water content in a wide variety of products and industries such as Chemicals Petroleum Products Foods Pharmaceuticalsm and many othe...
Karl Fischer reagents for water determination
Karl Fischer reagents for water determination For analytical chemists who need accurate water content – every time These reagents cover the whole range of volumetric and coulometric reagents for the determination of water by Karl Fischer method. R...
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