Cooling Circulators and Chillers

VWR refrigerated circulating baths with MX temperature controller
Stainless steel baths with user friendly MX temperature controller. Can also be used for external closed loop circulation. Cool Command technology regulates the amount of cooling required which saves energy.

VWR circulating chillers
These circulating chillers are an environmentally friendly, water-conserving, reliable means of controlling the temperature of liquids in open tanks or closed loop systems.

Huber circulating cooling thermostats, Minichillers, with OLÉ controller
These compact Minichillers are an economic and environmentally friendly cooling solution for many laboratory applications. The OLÉ controller combines state-of-the-art technology with simple operation.

Lauda circulating chillers, Microcool
This range of circulation chillers includes five compact models that provide cooling capacities from 0,25 to 1,2 kW for external applications. These units are ideal for use where heat needs to be dissipated reliably and fast.

Julabo recirculating coolers, F series
Environmentally friendly recirculating coolers designed for simple external cooling applications where reliable continuous operation is important.