Maintenance sorbents

Supplier: 3M
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MB2001 MA2002
Maintenance sorbents
Spill Control Materials
For use in production facilities and maintenance shops to handle routine leaks, drips, spray, and fluid splashes from nonaggressive liquids. Nonaggressive liquids are those used in daily operations which do not require the use of personal protective equipment. These include oils, coolants, cutting fluids, aqueous-based liquids, and petroleum-based products.

Unlike clay granules, these sorbents are not messy and can be used on equipment. This allows placement at the source of the leak, preventing spread to floor. The various sizes and styles available also permit use under, around, or for wiping down equipment, as well as in areas where foot and vehicle traffic is an issue. At full capacity, they take on darker grey colour, making the user aware that they are ready to be changed. Sorbents are made from synthetic fibers and incorporate the 3M™ patented microbundle construction.

Caution: Not for use with hazardous liquids. All 3M™ products must be used in accordance with OSHA regulations and the user instructions, warnings, and limitations accompanying each product.
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