Calibration weights, OIML, class E1

Supplier: Sartorius Balances
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YCW421-02 YCW451-02 YCW511-00 YCW451-00 YCW321-02 YCW311-00 YCW311-02 YCW411-00 YCW321-00 YCW351-02 YCW551-00 YCW621-00 YCW751-02 YCW651-00 YCW0111-00 YCW0111-02 YCW0211-00 YCW0211-02 YCW2111-00 YCW2111-02 YCW2211-00 YCW2211-02 YCW2511-00 YCW351-00 YCW521-00 YCW1211-00 YCW411-02 YCW1511-02 YCW521-02 YCW551-02 YCW1111-00 YCW511-02 YCW611-02
SARBYCW421-02 SARBYCW451-02 SARBYCW511-00 SARBYCW451-00 SARBYCW321-02 SARBYCW311-00 SARBYCW311-02 SARBYCW411-00 SARBYCW321-00 SARBYCW351-02 SARBYCW551-00 SARBYCW621-00 SARBYCW751-02 SARBYCW651-00 SARBYCW0111-00 SARBYCW0111-02 SARBYCW0211-00 SARBYCW0211-02 SARBYCW2111-00 SARBYCW2111-02 SARBYCW2211-00 SARBYCW2211-02 SARBYCW2511-00 SARBYCW351-00 SARBYCW521-00 SARBYCW1211-00 SARBYCW411-02 SARBYCW1511-02 SARBYCW521-02 SARBYCW551-02 SARBYCW1111-00 SARBYCW511-02 SARBYCW611-02
Calibration weights, OIML, class E1
Weights Calibration Weights
Individual E1 OIML class weights. Steel wire weights are available from 1 mg to 500 mg or highly polished, corrosion resistant steel knob weights are available from 1 g to 50 kg.

  • Weights are all non magnetisable and have a density of 8,0 g/c³.

Ordering information: Packaged in a plastic case (for all the wire and knob weights up to 20 g) or a wooden case (for knob weights from 50 g) the weights are easy to store.
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