Boiling baths, Clifton

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1101E 1105E 1020G 1026G 1026E 1104E 1021G 1101ER 1104ER 1105ER 1026ER
452-0009EA 1360 GBP
452-0009 452-0011 452-0006 452-0008 452-0007 452-0010 NICK1021G 452-0022 452-0021 452-0020 NICK1026ER
Boiling baths, Clifton
Baths Boiling Baths
Fixed temperature baths with concentric ringed lids. The steam produced provides an effective source of heat for samples that may otherwise be thermally damaged by a naked flame. Models 1020G and 1026G are gas baths, which do not have their own electrical power source, they are designed to be heated by a hotplate or gas burner.

  • Choice of round or rectangular baths
  • All electrically heated baths have a 1000 W heater and integral constant level device to regulate the level of water
  • Rings can be used to vary the diameter of the hole in the lid
  • Optional energy regulator can be used to control boiling from vigorous to a gentle simmer

Ordering information: Supplied with ring sets.
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