Versilon™ F-5500-A, fluoroelastomer tubing

Supplier: Saint Gobain Life Sciences
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070651-08 070651-11 070652-06 070652-09 070652-17 AGN00002 AGN00022 AGN00012 AGN00007 070538-18L
224-2438EA 308 GBP
224-2438 224-2444 224-2406 224-2410 224-2422 224-2740 224-5016 224-5018 224-5019 224-0157
Versilon™ F-5500-A, fluoroelastomer tubing
Tubing Transfer Tubing
Fluoroelastomer, black.

  • Excellent resistance to corrosive chemicals, oils, fuels and solvents
  • Resistant to ozone, sunlight and weathering
  • Tear resistant and durable

Due to its physical and chemical properties, this tubing is the ideal solution for applications involving extreme environmental conditions such as pipes for dry cleaning agents or solvent recovery systems. It offers protection for light-sensitive liquids, and remains tear resistant and durable even when exposed to the sun, ozone and effects of weather.

The high level of flexibility andMore Product Information
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