Glass microfibre filters

Supplier: Ahlstrom-Munksjö
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410122 410121 410124 410123 410037 410041 410052 410054 410056 410057 410058 410015 410014 410005 410011 410009 526016 410073 410004 410008 410136 410132 410067 410204 410013 410134 410066 410157 410099 410007 410003 410001 410002 410084 410095 410068 410069 410070 410071 410072 410090 410092 410093 410094 410097 410211 410213 410214 3.01136.055
513-0750EA 30.4 GBP
513-0750 513-0751 513-0752 513-0754 513-0772 513-0770 513-0776 513-0777 513-0778 513-0779 513-0780 513-0759 513-0758 513-0756 513-0764 513-0763 513-0781 BINZ410073 BINZ410004 BINZ410008 BINZ410136 BINZ410132 BINZ410067 BINZ410204 BINZ410013 513-0151 BINZ410066 BINZ410157 BINZ410099 BINZ410007 BINZ410003 513-0147 BINZ410002 BINZ410084 BINZ410095 BINZ410068 BINZ410069 BINZ410070 BINZ410071 BINZ410072 513-0148 513-0149 BINZ410093 BINZ410094 513-0150 BINZ410211 BINZ410213 BINZ410214 BINZ3.01136.055
Glass microfibre filters
Filters Glass Fibre Filters
Ahlstrom-Munksjö offers high quality glass filters ideal for many applications such as air pollution control, water monitoring and air particulate monitoring. The wide range of binder free glass microfiber filters can be used to collect particles and aerosols or to determine total suspended solids in water.

  • Made with ultrapure water
  • Fast flow rate
  • High loading capacity
  • Retention of very fine particles
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