Extraction thimbles, Munktell

Supplier: Ahlstrom-Munksjö
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400009 142000 142002 142004 142005 142006 142007 142008 142011 142012 400011 400006 400004 400052 400050 411007 400063 400058 400054 400059 400007 142097 400023 400015 400014 400010 400001 400055 400008 400003 400024 400031 400051 400053 400056 400061 400062 400065 400070 400002 400039 400038 400013
513-0761EA 261 GBP
513-0761 537-4500 537-4501 537-4502 537-4503 537-4504 537-4505 537-4506 537-4509 537-4510 513-0762 513-0767 513-0766 517-0755 517-0754 513-0760 517-0757 517-0756 BINZ400054 BINZ400059 BINZ400007 BINZ142097 BINZ400023 BINZ400015 BINZ400014 BINZ400010 BINZ400001 BINZ400055 BINZ400008 BINZ400003 BINZ400024 BINZ400031 BINZ400051 BINZ400053 BINZ400056 BINZ400061 BINZ400062 BINZ400065 BINZ400070 BINZ400002 BINZ400039 BINZ400038 BINZ400013
Extraction thimbles, Munktell
Extractors Extraction Thimbles
Grade ET/401
Particularly suitable for the extraction of organic combinations out of reaction mixtures, food, natural substances, lacquer and binder analysis in paint colours, dust and tar determination in gases.
Max. Temperature: 120 °C.

Grade MK 360
A special development for the analysis of air pollution.
Max. Temperature: 900 °C

Grade MG160
Filter thimbles of high purity particularly recommended for aggressive solvents. For analytical registration of environmental pollution.
Max. Temperature: 500 °C

T* indicates is used for Tecator machines
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