HPLC columns, Purospher®

Supplier: Merck
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1.50141.0001 1.50142.0001 1.50144.0001 1.50167.0001 1.50168.0001 1.50169.0001 1.50798.0001 1.50799.0001 1.51384.0001
HPLC columns, Purospher®
Chromatography Columns
Purospher® RP-18 is designed for the separation of problematic basic compounds with simple neutral eluents. In addition Purospher® RP-18 allows the separation of hydrophilic compounds with aqueous mobile phase. Purospher® RP-18 is based upon a high purity, metal-free silica. The multi-step chemical modification and deactivation of the surface, and the polar endcapping, enables a peak-tailing-free elution of basic and chelating compounds. Purospher® RP-18 is not suitable for the separation of acidic compounds. The good chemical stability of Purospher® RP-18 enables the use of mobile phaseMore Product Information
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