The EasyEights™ EasySep™ Magnet is designed for cell separation procedures using selected EasySep™ reagents when simultaneously processing multiple samples, up to eight samples on each side, for a total of 16 samples.
- Magnet for column-free immunomagnetic separation
The EasyEights™ EasySep™ magnet has a large sample range, capable of processing small samples, starting at 0,1×10⁸ cells, to larger samples, up to 8,5×10⁸ cells. The EasyEights™ EasySep™ magnet is designed to hold up to 8 standard 5 ml (12×75 mm) round-bottom tubes on one side, and 8 standard 14 ml (17×95 mm) round-bottom or 15 ml conical tubes on the other side.
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