Cryogenic thermal-transfer labels for frozen vials and yubes

Supplier: GA
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FSA-227C1-2WH FSA-227C3-4WH FSA-332C1-1WH FSA-332C3-1WH FSA-334C1-1WH FSA-334C3-1WH
Cryogenic thermal-transfer labels for frozen vials and yubes
CryoSTUCK® labels provide an ideal solution for bio-banks and bio-repositories.

  • Labels can adhere to already frozen vials (no thawing required)
  • Ideal for long-term storage in cryogenic conditions (–196 °C)
  • Ideal for safely thawing in water baths
  • Printable with all major thermal-transfer printer brands

Labeling or relabeling already frozen samples inside liquid nitrogen tanks and freezers is challenging due to extremely low temperatures, frost, and moisture accumulated on the surface of cryogenic containers. These cryogenic labels can be applied on –80 °C surfaces and then stored back in laboratory freezers or liquid nitrogen to preserve the integrity of the sample.

Labels are available in roll format for thermal-transfer printing, which provides a smudge-proof printout even in extremely low temperatures. On vials and tubes, it is recommended that CryoSTUCK® labels are applied with an overlap of at least 0,25" to ensure proper adherence to the frozen surface.
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