Peqlab peqGOLD, DNA Isolation, Blood And Tissue DNA Mini Kits
Supplier: VWR ChemicalsTotal Ratings: 0
Avg. Ratings: 0.0 out of 5
Fast, easy, and economical kit for isolation of DNA from a variety of samples including fresh or frozen cultured cells, tissue, blood, buccal swabs and saliva.
- No need for organic extractions
- No need for time-consuming alcohol precipitations
- Enzymatic degradation of cellular RNA
- Efficient separation of enzyme inhibitors and contaminants
- High yields due to strong lysis
- Fast, purification in less than 20 min (after lysis)
Typical starting amount should be 30 mg tissue, 5×10⁶ cultured cells, or up to 250 µl. Gives purified DNA suitable for almost any downstream application.
Delivery information: Kit contains peqGOLD DNA Mini columns, 2 ml collection tubes, BL buffer, TL buffer, Proteinase K solution, HBC buffer, DNA wash buffer and elution buffer.
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