Avantor® Prevail Amide, HPLC Columns

Supplier: Avantor
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HICH88660EA 970 GBP
HICH88660 HICH88665
Avantor® Prevail Amide, HPLC Columns
Chromatography Columns
Prevail™ HPLC columns exhibit long column lifetime in both highly aqueous and highly organic mobile phases. All phases, apart from Prevail™ Carbohydrate ES, are silica-based. The stability of these phases is such that a single column can be switched between highly aqueous for analysis of highly polar analytes and highly organic for strong retention of hydrophobic analytes.

  • Stable from highly organic to highly aqueous
  • Speciality phases for specific applications
  • Excellent sensitivity with microbore and ELSD applications
  • Polar embedded phase
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