Upright microscopes, BA410 Elite

Supplier: MOTIC
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1101000202172 1101000202161 1100100402982 1100100402972 1100100403061 1100100403071
630-1175EA 5130 GBP
630-1175 630-1514 630-2157 630-2539 630-2541 630-2542
Upright microscopes, BA410 Elite
The BA410 Elite is designed for diagnosis in pathology, haematology and cytology.

  • Increased numerical apertures for detailed specimen evaluation
  • Energy saving mode: Automatic On/Off setting via infrared sensor
  • Halogen light interchangeable with a LED module (to be purchased separately) for the 50 W version

Accessories information: Epi-fluorescence attachment consists of: Filter cassette, lamp house, collector lens and mercury lamp socket for HBO 100 W, mercury lamp HG100 W, starter unit HBO 100 W, lamp centring tool plus light trap and power cord.

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Environmentally Preferable
Head Siedentopf, 30° inclined, 360° rotating Siedentopf, 30° inclined, 360° rotating
Nosepiece Sextuple, reversed Sextuple, reversed
Objectives Plan achromatic 4×, 10×, 40× (spring), 100× (spring, oil immersion) Plan achromatic 4×, 10×, 40× (spring), 100× (spring, oil immersion)
Stage 180×170 (movement: 80×55 mm) 180×170 mm (movement: 80×55 mm)
Condenser Achromat swing-out N.A. 0,90/0,13 with iris diaphragm Achromat swing-out N.A. 0,90/0,13 with iris diaphragm
Focusing system Coaxial coarse and fine knobs Coaxial coarse and fine knobs
Illumination Halogen Halogen

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