Density hydrometers

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H800004 H800006 H800010 H800014 H800016 H800018 H800020 H800022 H800136 H800138 H800140 H800142 H800144 H800146 H800148 H800150 H800152 H801052 H801054 H801056 H801058 H801060 H801062 H801064 H801066 H801068 H801070 H801074 H801076 H801360 H801362 H801364 H801366 H801368 H801370 H801620 H801624 H801628 H801800 H801804 H800024 H800026 H800028 H801050 H801072 H801284 H801372 H801630 H801622 H801626 H800030 H800032 H801286 H800038 H800036 H800034 H801632 H800012 H800040 H800008 H801282 H800060 H800042 H800044 H800046 H800130 H800132 H800134 H800154 H800156 H800158 H800160 H800162 H800164 H800166 H800168 H800170 H800172 H800174 H800176 H800180 H800190 H800132/WC H800134/WC H800136/WC H800140/WC H800142/WC
AMARH800004EA 28.3 GBP
AMARH800004 AMARH800006 AMARH800010 AMARH800014 AMARH800016 AMARH800018 AMARH800020 AMARH800022 AMARH800136 AMARH800138 AMARH800140 AMARH800142 AMARH800144 AMARH800146 AMARH800148 AMARH800150 614-0123 AMARH801052 AMARH801054 AMARH801056 AMARH801058 AMARH801060 AMARH801062 AMARH801064 AMARH801066 614-0124 AMARH801070 AMARH801074 AMARH801076 AMARH801360 AMARH801362 AMARH801364 AMARH801366 AMARH801368 AMARH801370 AMARH801620 AMARH801624 AMARH801628 614-0531 AMARH801804 AMARH800024 AMARH800026 AMARH800028 AMARH801050 AMARH801072 AMARH801284 AMARH801372 614-0121 614-0125 614-0126 AMARH800030 AMARH800032 AMARH801286 AMARH800038 AMARH800036 AMARH800034 AMARH801632 AMARH800012 AMARH800040 AMARH800008 AMARH801282 AMARH800060 AMARH800042 AMARH800044 AMARH800046 AMARH800130 AMARH800132 AMARH800134 AMARH800154 AMARH800156 AMARH800158 AMARH800160 AMARH800162 AMARH800164 AMARH800166 AMARH800168 AMARH800170 AMARH800172 AMARH800174 AMARH800176 AMARH800180 AMARH800190 AMARH800132/WC AMARH800134/WC AMARH800136/WC AMARH800140/WC AMARH800142/WC
Density hydrometers
General purpose hydrometers for density areas.

  • Paper scale and shot weighted body
  • Hydrometer accuracy ±1 scale division
  • Thermometer inside the hydrometer body

Used in laboratories and industry.
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