Amersham™ Protran® Supported Nitrocellulose Western Blotting Membranes, Cytiva

Supplier: Cytiva
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10600037 10600020 10600051 10600053 10600015 10600016 10600017 10600018 10600019 10600119 10600120
10600037.EA 355 GBP
10600037. 10600020. 10600051. 10600053. 10600015. 10600016. 10600017. 10600018. 10600019. 10600119. 10600120.
Amersham™ Protran® Supported Nitrocellulose Western Blotting Membranes, Cytiva
Transfer Membranes
Amersham™ Protran® Supported is a robust protein blotting membrane, with 0,2 µm pore size, made of reinforced nitrocellulose for multiple reprobings.

  • Optimal for applications when stripping and reprobing is required
  • Versatile, robust, and excellent signal-to-noise ratios
  • High binding capacity
  • Protran® Supported 0,2 NC membrane recommended for detection of small proteins and peptides (
  • Protran® Supported 0,45 µm membrane suitable for proteins of a wide range of molecular weights

Amersham™ Protran® Supported offers excellent sensitivity, resolution, and low background, especially when used with Amersham ECL, Amersham ECL Prime, or Amersham ECL Select Western Blotting Systems.

Available with a choice of pore size: Protran® Supported 0.2 NC (pore size 0,2 µm, binding capacity 120 to 150 µg IgG/cm²) or Protran® Supported 0.45 NC (pore size 0,45 µm, binding capacity 60 to 80 µg IgG/cm²).

For convenience, Western blotting sandwiches (10 sandwiches/package) are also available. Each sandwich consists of pre-cut Amersham™ Protran® Supported NC membranes pre-assembled with 2×3MM Chr filter papers.
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