You Searched For: sec-Butyl butyrate
1,409 results were found
@@NUMMER 8090145@@
@@NUMMER 8090145@@ 1 PCR Mycoplasma – Test Kit I Mycoplasma PCR Test Kit I Product No. A9753 Description PCR Mycoplasma Test Kit I is designed to detect the presence of mycoplasma contamination in biological materials such as cultured cells. The d...
FDA Compliant Viton Tubing
FDA Compliant Viton Tubing Advantages: Perfect for food and lab applications where FDA compliance is required. Good chemical resistance. Resistant to corrosives High temperature properties Limitations: Limited pumping life. Application Suitability...
Viton Tubing Specifications
Viton Tubing Specifications Advantages: Our most chemical-resistant tubing. Resistant to corrosives solvents and oils at elevated temperature. Low gas permeability. Limitations: Limited pumping life. Application Suitability: Acids: Excellent Alkal...
Séparations de protéines et de grandes molécules biologiques
Séparations de protéines et de grandes molécules biologiques Grande molécule LC (Bio LC) La séparation des ingrédients actifs fabriqués à l'aide de processus biologiques nécessite souvent une approche différente. Pages des produits Chromatographie...
FDA Compliant Viton
FDA Compliant Viton Tubing Advantages: Perfect for food and lab applications where FDA compliance is required. Good chemical resistance. Resistant to corrosives High temperature properties Limitations: Limited pumping life. Application Suitability...
Analysis Accelerating study of viral infection and therapeutics Learn about how microplate based detection and cell imaging including high-content screening can help you discover more. Launch the webinar SELECTED SOLUTIONS Cellular analysis Cellul...
NORPRENE® (A 60 G) Tubing
NORPRENE® (A 60 G) Tubing Advantages: Best choice for vacuum/pressure applications. Offers longest life with good flow consistency. Heat and ambient ozone resistant. Good resistance to acids and alkalies. Black color hides dirt and dust. Heat seal...
シリコーン(過酸化水素)チューブ メリット 生体適合性に優れ、溶出性添加物、DOP、可塑剤を含まず、無臭、無毒、防カビ性。 輸送液に味を与えない。 低温に非常に強い。 耐候性、耐オゾン性、耐コロナ性、耐放射線性に優れている。 セットを取る傾向が少ない。 白金と過酸化物硬化型シリコーンチューブの処方の違いについては、 ~~シリコーンチューブ~~ の追記を参照してください。 制限事項です 濃厚な溶剤、油、酸には使用しないでください。 ガス透過性が比較的高い。 ~~シリコーンチューブ~~の補足説...
C-FLEX (50 A) Tubing
C-FLEX (50 A) Tubing Advantages: Physical properties similar to silicone with chemical compatibility of TYGON®. Inexpensive. Excellent biocompatibility. Smooth bore. Nontoxic no leachable plasticizers. Lower gas permeability than silicone. Use wit...
FDA Compliant Viton Tubing
FDA Compliant Viton Tubing Advantages: Perfect for food and lab applications where FDA compliance is required. Good chemical resistance. Resistant to corrosives High temperature properties Limitations: Limited pumping life. Application Suitability...
NORPRENE® Food (A 60 F) Tubing
NORPRENE® Food (A 60 F) Tubing Advantages: Similar to NORPRENE (A 60 G) (series 06404) but with FDA compliance. Excellent for food and dairy applications. Offers longest life with good flow consistency. Heat and ozone resistant. Good resistance to...
NORPRENE® Food (A 60 F) Tubing
NORPRENE® Food (A 60 F) Tubing Advantages: Similar to NORPRENE (A 60 G) (series 06404) but with FDA compliance. Excellent for food and dairy applications. Offers longest life with good flow consistency. Heat and ozone resistant. Good resistance to...
Vitonチュービングの仕様 メリット 最も耐薬品性の高いチューブです。 高温の腐食剤、溶剤、油に強い。 ガス透過性が低い。 制限事項です ポンプ寿命に制限がある。 アプリケーションの適合性。 酸類 優秀 アルカリ性 優秀 有機溶剤 テストしてください 圧力 良い 真空度 良い 粘性流体: 良い 無菌流体: 良好 物理的特性および組成 熱硬化性ゴム Viton B(フッ素67%) 固い(硬い)素材 不透明、黒色 温度範囲 -25 ~ 400°F (-32 ~ 205°C) クラス分けを満た...
Gamme Contec d'essuyeurs pour salle propre, de mops, de détergents et de désinfectants
Gamme Contec d'essuyeurs pour salle propre de mops de détergents et de désinfectants Encore plus de trésors cachés ! Nettoyage essentiel au contrôle de la contamination Essuyeurs secs et présaturés tissés et non tissés spécifiquement conçus pour l...
289 - 304 of 1,409