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You Searched For: XMD8-92

596  results were found

Disposable Hand Protection

Disposable Hand Protection Our priority is to protect people who work in a controlled or critical environment and to protect the products they produce. We also provide the lab-safety soltuions that protect workers from chemical, biological and phy...

Masterflex B/T® Tubing Life Technical Data

Masterflex B/T® Tubing Life Technical Data B/T Performance Data for NORPRENE® Food Silicone and C-FLEX® Tubing Formulations Like the L/S® and I/P® tubing sizes B/T sizes B/T® 86 B/T® 88 B/T® 90 and B/T® 92 tubing offer all the characteristics of t...

Masterflex B/T® Tubing Life Technical Data

Masterflex B/T® Tubing Life Technical Data B/T Performance Data for NORPRENE® Food Silicone and C-FLEX® Tubing Formulations Like the L/S® and I/P® tubing sizes B/T sizes B/T® 86 B/T® 88 B/T® 90 and B/T® 92 tubing offer all the characteristics of t...

Masterflex B/T® Tubing Life Technical Data

Masterflex B/T® Tubing Life Technical Data B/T Performance Data for NORPRENE® Food Silicone and C-FLEX® Tubing Formulations Like the L/S® and I/P® tubing sizes B/T sizes B/T® 86 B/T® 88 B/T® 90 and B/T® 92 tubing offer all the characteristics of t...

Disposable Hand Protection

Disposable Hand Protection Our priority is to protect people who work in a controlled or critical environment and to protect the products they produce. We also provide the lab-safety soltuions that protect workers from chemical biological and phys...

Disposable Hand Protection

Disposable Hand Protection Our priority is to protect people who work in a controlled or critical environment and to protect the products they produce. We also provide the lab-safety soltuions that protect workers from chemical biological and phys...

Masterflex B/T® Tubi

Masterflex B/T® Tubing Life Technical Data B/T Performance Data for NORPRENE® Food Silicone and C-FLEX® Tubing Formulations Like the L/S® and I/P® tubing sizes B/T sizes B/T® 86 B/T® 88 B/T® 90 and B/T® 92 tubing offer all the characteristics of t...

Jednorázová ochrana rukou

Jednorázová ochrana rukou Naší prioritou je chránit pracovníky pracující v řízeném nebo kritickém prostředí a chránit také produkty které vyrábějí. Poskytujeme také laboratorní bezpečnostní řešení která chrání pracovníky v laboratorním prostředí p...

Masterflex B/T® Tubing Life Technical Data

Masterflex B/T® Tubing Life Technical Data B/T Performance Data for NORPRENE® Food Silicone and C-FLEX® Tubing Formulations Like the L/S® and I/P® tubing sizes B/T sizes B/T® 86 B/T® 88 B/T® 90 and B/T® 92 tubing offer all the characteristics of t...


常用单位换算器 单位换算指不同单位之间的数值换算。这一过程可通过换算因子,也就是乘数实现,乘数代表原单位与目标单位之间的关系。例如,您可以使用换算因子将以加仑为单位的体积测量值转换为公升,或反过来换算。 此页面包含的换算器可用于多种测量值的单位转换,包括常用的单位换算,例如长度、体积、温度和压力,以及工程、流体和光学单位换算。 距离和长度换算 立即换算长度或距离单位。92 种不同单位可供选择,包括米、千米、分米、厘米、毫米、微米、里格、英里、英寻、码、英尺、英寸...... 重量和质量换算...

Masterflex® B/T® チューブ ライフテクニカルデータ

Masterflex® B/T® チューブ ライフテクニカルデータ B/TパフォーマンスデータNORPRENE®食品、シリコーンC-FLEX® チューブの処方 L/S® および I/P® チューブサイズと同様、B/T サイズの B/T® 86、B/T® 88、B/T® 90、および B/T® 92 チューブは、最大流量 45 LPM (12 GPM) で小さいサイズのチューブスタイルのすべての特性を提供し ます。右のグラフは、21°C (70°F) の環境下で標準的なポンプヘッドを使用して...

Masterflex B/T® Tubing Life Technical Data

Masterflex B/T® Tubing Life Technical Data B/T Performance Data for NORPRENE® Food Silicone and C-FLEX® Tubing Formulations Like the L/S® and I/P® tubing sizes B/T sizes B/T® 86 B/T® 88 B/T® 90 and B/T® 92 tubing offer all the characteristics of t...
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