You Searched For: Dimethyl bicyclo[1.1.1]pentane-1,3-dicarboxylate
3,426 results were found
PESTINORM® headspace solvents
PESTINORM® headspace solvents High purity solvents for organic volatile impurity analysis Static headspace GC (GC-HS) is a technique used to concentrate volatile analytes prior to analysis. It can improve detection of low levels of volatile analyt...
PESTINORM® headspace solvents
PESTINORM® headspace solvents High purity solvents for organic volatile impurity analysis Static headspace GC (GC-HS) is a technique used to concentrate volatile analytes prior to analysis. It can improve detection of low levels of volatile analyt...
PESTINORM® lösningsmedel för headspace analys
PESTINORM® lösningsmedel för headspace analys Högrena lösningsmedel för analys av flyktiga organiska föroreningar Statisk headspace GC (GC-HS) är en teknik som används för att koncentrera flyktiga analyter innan analys. Detta kan öka detektionen a...
Microchem by AlphaTec Chemical Permeation Guide 20
Chemical Permeation Guide What is permeation? Permeation is the process by which a potentially hazardous chemical moves through a material on a molecular level. Molecules of chemical adsorb onto the outer surface of the material. They then enter a...
Microchem by AlphaTec Chemical Permeation Guide 20
Chemical Permeation Guide What is permeation? Permeation is the process by which a potentially hazardous chemical moves through a material on a molecular level. Molecules of chemical adsorb onto the outer surface of the material. They then enter a...
VWR LC-MS Solvent and Addictives
VWR LC-MS Solvent and Addictives VWR LC MS solvents and addictives at Special 25% discount! Don’t miss this offer! Our line of select LC-MS solvents is produced at the same state of the art ISO:9001 solvent manufacturing facility as our best-selli...
PESTINORM® Headspace-Lösungsmittel
PESTINORM® Headspace-Lösungsmittel Hochreine Lösungsmittel für die Analyse flüchtiger organischer Verunreinigungen Bei der statischen Headspace-GC (GC-HS) handelt es sich um eine Technik zur Aufkonzentrierung flüchtiger Analyte vor der Analyse. Da...
Solvants PESTINORM® Headspace
Solvants PESTINORM® Headspace Solvants de haute pureté pour l'analyse des impuretés volatiles organiques L'analyse headspace GC statique (GC-HS) est une technique utilisée pour concentrer des analytes volatils avant l'analyse. Elle peut améliorer ...
Masterflex® B/T® 生物制药泵——通过 Masterflex 重新构想生物工艺
Masterflex® B/T® MasterSense™ 生物制药流程泵 重新构想生物工艺 易于操作、协作和连接 专为大流量泵流程应用设计,配置直观的触摸屏界面和先进的连接性 立即选购 互联、高效、耐用 1 专为大流量和连续工作打造,非常适合清洁环境应用—— 316 抛光不锈钢外壳 IP66 冲洗等级 可变流量:0.65 — 42 LPM 查看完整规格 2 易于阅读和操作的触摸屏 直观操作 3 MasterflexLive® 无需现场人员便可为您提供全天候 (24/7) 监控 随时掌握信...
SecureFit™ 600 protective eyewear for better vision and comfort
SecureFit™ 600 protective eyewear for better vision and comfort NEW! Get comfortable with changes! Stylish sturdy design Secure wrapped comfortable fit Scotchgard™ anti-fog coating Multiple lens colour options Log in to see your contract pricing a...
Ochranné brýle SecureFit™ 600 pro lepší vidění a komfort
Ochranné brýle SecureFit™ 600 pro lepší vidění a komfort NOVÉ! Udělejte si pohodlí změnou! stylový robustní design bezpečné pohodlný design ochraná vrstva proti zamlžování Scotchgard™ mnohonásobný výběr barev zorníků Cena na vyžádání Description P...
SecureFit™ 600 protective eyewear for better vision and comfort
SecureFit™ 600 protective eyewear for better vision and comfort NEW! Get comfortable with changes! Stylish sturdy design Secure wrapped comfortable fit Scotchgard™ anti-fog coating Multiple lens colour options Log ind for at se priser og tilgængel...
SecureFit™ 600 protective eyewear for better vision and comfort
SecureFit™ 600 protective eyewear for better vision and comfort NEW! Get comfortable with changes! Stylish sturdy design Secure wrapped comfortable fit Scotchgard™ anti-fog coating Multiple lens colour options Log in to see your contract pricing a...
SecureFit™ 600 prote
SecureFit™ 600 protective eyewear for better vision and comfort NEW! Get comfortable with changes! Stylish, sturdy design Secure, wrapped, comfortable fit Scotchgard™ anti-fog coating Multiple lens colour options Inquire for Price Description Pk C...
Ochranné okuliare SecureFit™ 600 znamenajú lepší rozhľad a pohodlie
Ochranné okuliare SecureFit™ 600 znamenajú lepší rozhľad a pohodlie NOVINKA! Urobte si radosť zmenou! Štýlový robustný dizajn Potiahnuté bočnice na pohodlné bezpečné uchytenie S úpravou proti zahmlievaniu Scotchgard™ Výber spomedzi viacerých farie...
1 - 16 of 3,426