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You Searched For: 6-Fluoro-8-(trifluoromethyl)quinolin-4-ol

562  results were found

Building Blocks, Fluorochemicals and Synthesis Reagents - Apollo Scientific

Building Blocks Fluorochemicals and Synthesis Reagents - Apollo Scientific Apollo Scientific are specialists in the manufacture and supply of aromatic heterocyclic and aliphatic compounds fluorochemicals and life sciences reagents. With a excellen...

Building Blocks, Fluorochemicals and Synthesis Reagents - Apollo Scientific

Building Blocks Fluorochemicals and Synthesis Reagents - Apollo Scientific Apollo Scientific are specialists in the manufacture and supply of aromatic heterocyclic and aliphatic compounds fluorochemicals and life sciences reagents. With a excellen...

Building Blocks, Fluorochemicals and Synthesis Reagents - Apollo Scientific

Building Blocks Fluorochemicals and Synthesis Reagents - Apollo Scientific Apollo Scientific are specialists in the manufacture and supply of aromatic heterocyclic and aliphatic compounds fluorochemicals and life sciences reagents. With a excellen...

Fluorinated reagents & organic compounds Apollo Scientific

Fluorinated reagents & organic compounds Apollo Scientific Apollo Scientific are specialists in the manufacture and supply of aromatic heterocyclic and aliphatic compounds fluorochemicals and life sciences reagents. With a excellent service and ex...

Building Blocks, Fluorochemicals and Synthesis Reagents - Apollo Scientific

Building Blocks Fluorochemicals and Synthesis Reagents - Apollo Scientific Apollo Scientific are specialists in the manufacture and supply of aromatic heterocyclic and aliphatic compounds fluorochemicals and life sciences reagents. With a excellen...

Fotometrisk analys för bryggerier och detektering av mikroorganismer som förstör öl

Fotometrisk analys för bryggerier och detektering av mikroorganismer som förstör öl Det nya programvarupaketet ~~analysmetoder för bryggeribranschen~~ från Spectroquant® Prove innehåller alla 21 metoder som krävs för en fullständig analys av öl. F...

Riciclaggio delle batterie

Riciclaggio delle batterie Riciclaggio delle batterie Avantor mette in moto la scienza avanzata delle batterie per creare un mondo migliore Le batterie agli ioni di litio contengono spesso metalli utili e preziosi di alta qualità ma anche sostanze...

Sintesi organica con i prodotti chimici Thermo Scientific

Sintesi organica con i prodotti chimici Thermo Scientific Scopri i nostri reagenti e materiali per la sintesi e lo studio dei meccanismi di reazione compresi i reagenti e i building block sensibili all'aria e all'umidità. La nostra ampia collezion...

Merck – Creative Solutions for Organic Synthesis

Merck – Creative Solutions for Organic Synthesis Merck provides an extensive portfolio of products for laboratory and production scale organic synthesis from their Sigma-Aldrich® portfolio. Their products range from building blocks reagents and so...

Acros Organics

Acros Organics Az Acros Organics™ termékkínálata több mint 18 000 szerves molekulát, többek között alapvető vegyszereket, funkcionális reagenseket és szerves kémiai építőelemeket tartalmaz. Az Acros Organics™ kínálatának célja a kutatásban, fejles...

Karl-Fischer-Reagenzien zur Wasserbestimmung

Karl-Fischer-Reagenzien zur Wasserbestimmung Für analytische Chemiker die den Wassergehalt genau bestimmen müssen – jedes Mal Die Reagenzien decken den gesamten Bereich volumetrischer und coulometrischer Reagenzien für die Wasserbestimmung nach de...

Huber products

Huber products Huber circulating cooling thermostats Minichillers with OLÉ controller The compact Minichillers are an economic and environmentally-friendly cooling solution for many laboratory applications. The OLÉ controller combines state-of-the...

Cooling Circulators and Chillers

Cooling Circulators and Chillers VWR refrigerated circulating baths with MX temperature controller Stainless steel baths with user friendly MX temperature controller. Can also be used for external closed loop circulation. Cool Command technology r...

Produkty Huber

Produkty Huber Cirkulačné chladiace termostaty Huber minichladiče s ovládačom OLÉ Kompaktné minichladiče sú výnimočné ekonomické riešenie chladenia šetrné voči životnému prostrediu na mnohé laboratórne aplikácie. Ovládač OLÉ kombinuje najmodernejš...

Karl-Fischer-Reagenzien zur Wasserbestimmung

Karl-Fischer-Reagenzien zur Wasserbestimmung Für analytische Chemiker die den Wassergehalt genau bestimmen müssen – jedes Mal Die Reagenzien decken den gesamten Bereich volumetrischer und coulometrischer Reagenzien für die Wasserbestimmung nach de...

Huber products

Huber products Huber Circulating cooling thermostats Minichillers with OLÉ controller The compact Minichillers inspire as an economic and environmentally-friendly cooling solution for many laboratory applications. The OLÉ controller combines state...
1 - 16 of 562