You Searched For: 3-Bromo-4-methyl-5-(trifluoromethyl)benzyl bromide
546 results were found
PESTINORM® Headspace-Lösungsmittel
PESTINORM® Headspace-Lösungsmittel Hochreine Lösungsmittel für die Analyse flüchtiger organischer Verunreinigungen Bei der statischen Headspace-GC (GC-HS) handelt es sich um eine Technik zur Aufkonzentrierung flüchtiger Analyte vor der Analyse. Da...
Plant genomic DNA isolation
Plant genomic DNA isolation Mag-BIND® Plant DNA DS 96 Kit The incredible diversity of the plant kingdom comes with a wide range of DNA extraction challenges. These challenges include extensive variations in plant structures and in their chemical c...
Plant genomic DNA isolation
Plant genomic DNA isolation Mag-BIND® Plant DNA DS 96 Kit The incredible diversity of the plant kingdom comes with a wide range of DNA extraction challenges. These challenges include extensive variations in plant structures and in their chemical c...
Plant genomic DNA isolation
Plant genomic DNA isolation Mag-BIND® Plant DNA DS 96 Kit The incredible diversity of the plant kingdom comes with a wide range of DNA extraction challenges. These challenges include extensive variations in plant structures and in their chemical c...
Plant genomic DNA isolation
Plant genomic DNA isolation Mag-BIND® Plant DNA DS 96 Kit The incredible diversity of the plant kingdom comes with a wide range of DNA extraction challenges. These challenges include extensive variations in plant structures and in their chemical c...
Production de cathodes et d’anodes pour batteries
Production de cathodes et d’anodes pour batteries Production de cathodes et d’anodes pour batteries Avantor fait avancer la science des batteries avancées pour contribuer à un monde meilleur Une batterie Li-ion possède 2 électrodes : la cathode et...
Organic Synthesis
Organic Synthesis Literature Lab Safety Solutions Videos just for you If you’re creating new molecules in your pharmaceutical or chemical research or university laboratory, VWR offers an extensive range of products to help you with your discoverie...
Organic Synthesis
Organic Synthesis Literature Lab Safety Solutions Videos just for you If you’re creating new molecules in your pharmaceutical or chemical research or university laboratory VWR offers an extensive range of products to help you with your discoveries...
Oxford Nanopore Technologies
Oxford Nanopore Technologies To enable the analysis of anything, by anyone, anywhere. Oxford Nanopore makes a novel generation of DNA/RNA sequencing technology that provides rich data, is fast, accessible, and easy to use. Our goal is to disrupt t...
Get started with MinION - Oxford Nanopore's portable sequencer
Get started with MinION - Oxford Nanopore's portable sequencer Webinar Thursday 28th October 2021 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance In this webinar James Brayer will...
Get started with MinION - Oxford Nanopore's portable sequencer
Get started with MinION - Oxford Nanopore's portable sequencer Webinar Thursday 28th October 2021 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Replay for 1 Year In this webinar James Brayer will provide...
Wodne roztwory wzorcowe do chromatografii jonowej 1000 mg/l
Wodne roztwory wzorcowe do chromatografii jonowej 1000 mg/l More than 50 single element solutions Największy na rynku wybór roztworów wzorcowych do chromatografii jonowej. Wysoka jakość Pełna gama roztworów 54 pierwiastków Dostępne w opakowaniach ...
Get started with MinION - Oxford Nanopore's portable sequencer
Get started with MinION - Oxford Nanopore's portable sequencer Webinar Thursday 28th October 2021 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance In this webinar James Brayer will...
Plant genomic DNA isolation
Plant genomic DNA isolation Mag-BIND® Plant DNA DS 96 Kit The incredible diversity of the plant kingdom comes with a wide range of DNA extraction challenges. These challenges include extensive variations in plant structures and in their chemical c...
Plant genomic DNA isolation
Plant genomic DNA isolation Mag-BIND® Plant DNA DS 96 Kit The incredible diversity of the plant kingdom comes with a wide range of DNA extraction challenges. These challenges include extensive variations in plant structures and in their chemical c...
177 - 192 of 546