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You Searched For: 2H-Perfluoroisopropyl benzoate

149  results were found


NMR NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) is used as a standard analysis method for structural determination of an organic compound. In NMR analysis the ratio of the number of atomic nuclei in a compound corresponds to the ratio of the areas of the pea...


NMR NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) is used as a standard analysis method for structural determination of an organic compound. In NMR analysis, the ratio of the number of atomic nuclei in a compound corresponds to the ratio of the areas of the pe...


NMR NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) is used as a standard analysis method for structural determination of an organic compound. In NMR analysis the ratio of the number of atomic nuclei in a compound corresponds to the ratio of the areas of the pea...


NMR NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) is used as a standard analysis method for structural determination of an organic compound. In NMR analysis the ratio of the number of atomic nuclei in a compound corresponds to the ratio of the areas of the pea...


NMR NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) is used as a standard analysis method for structural determination of an organic compound. In NMR analysis the ratio of the number of atomic nuclei in a compound corresponds to the ratio of the areas of the pea...

Wodne roztwory wzorcowe do chromatografii jonowej 1000 mg/l

Wodne roztwory wzorcowe do chromatografii jonowej 1000 mg/l More than 50 single element solutions Największy na rynku wybór roztworów wzorcowych do chromatografii jonowej. Wysoka jakość Pełna gama roztworów 54 pierwiastków Dostępne w opakowaniach ...

Ion Chromatography standards 1000 mg/l in water

Ion Chromatography standards 1000 mg/l in water More than 50 single element solutions The biggest Ion Chromatography standards range in the market. High quality Complete range of 54 elements Available in 100 ml for all (also in 500 ml for the most...

Jonkromatografistandarder 1000 mg/l i vatten

Jonkromatografistandarder 1000 mg/l i vatten Mer än 50 enkelelementlösningar Det största jonkromatografisortimentet på marknaden. Hög kvalitet Komplett sortiment med 54 element Finns i 100 ml för alla (och 500 ml för de vanligaste) Analyscertifika...


NMR NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) is used as a standard analysis method for structural determination of an organic compound. In NMR analysis the ratio of the number of atomic nuclei in a compound corresponds to the ratio of the areas of the pea...


NMR NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) is used as a standard analysis method for structural determination of an organic compound. In NMR analysis the ratio of the number of atomic nuclei in a compound corresponds to the ratio of the areas of the pea...


NMR Az NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance – mágneses magrezonancia) a szerves vegyületek strukturális meghatározásának standard elemzési módszere. Az NMR-elemzés során a vegyületekben lévő atommagok számának aránya megfelel a csúcsok területeinek ará...


NMR NMR (nukleární magnetická rezonance) se používá jako standardní analytická metoda pro určení struktury organické sloučeniny. V NMR analýze odpovídá poměr počtu atomových jader ve sloučenině poměru ploch píků ve spektru. Akce Chemické inovace K...


NMR NMR (magnetyczny rezonans jądrowy) jest stosowany jako standardowa metoda analizy do strukturalnego oznaczania związków organicznych. W analizie NMR stosunek liczby jąder atomowych w związku odpowiada stosunkowi powierzchni pików w widmie. Pro...


NMR NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) brukes som standard analysemetode for bestemmelse av organiske forbindelser. I NMR-analyse tilsvarer andelen atomkjerner i en forbindelse andelen av områdetoppene i spektrum. Tilbud Chemical Nyskapninger Kontak...


NMR Die kernmagnetische Resonanz (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NMR) wird als Standard-Analysemethode zur Strukturbestimmung von organischen Verbindungen verwendet. Bei der NMR-Analyse entspricht das Verhältnis der Anzahl der Atomkerne in einer Verbi...
65 - 80 of 149