You Searched For: 2,6-Dichloro-4-(trifluoromethoxy)aniline
1,391 results were found
Mascarillas Quantus
Mascarillas Quantus Características: Botones a presión para fijar a las capuchas (tres a cada lado) Forma cuadrada Tamaño estándar: (An x Al) 26 x 26 cm Características opcionales: Tira de velcro para fijar a las capuchas (interna o externa) Difer...
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options Achieve top performance from your Masterflex I/P pump heads when you use precision-extruded tubing. Tubing is manufactured to tight tolerances that match our I/P pump heads. Choose from precision tubing or high-perfor...
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options Achieve top performance from your Masterflex I/P pump heads when you use precision-extruded tubing. Tubing is manufactured to tight tolerances that match our I/P pump heads. Choose from precision tubing or high-perfor...
Masterflex I/P 튜빙 옵션
Masterflex I/P 튜빙 옵션 정밀 압출 튜빙을 사용할 경우 Masterflex I/P 펌프 헤드에서 최고의 성능을 얻을 수 있습니다. 튜빙은 당사의 I/P 펌프 헤드와 일치하는 엄격한 공차로 제조됩니다. 정밀 튜빙 또는 고성능 정밀 튜빙 중에서 선택하십시오. 고성능 정밀 튜빙은 압력 발생 흡입 리프트 점성 유체 펌프 능력 튜브 수명을 향상시키는 더 두꺼운 벽을 가지고 있습니다. 12가지 이상의 다른 공식 중에서 선택하십시오. Bi...
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options Achieve top performance from your Masterflex I/P pump heads when you use precision-extruded tubing. Tubing is manufactured to tight tolerances that match our I/P pump heads. Choose from precision tubing or high-perfor...
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options Achieve top performance from your Masterflex I/P pump heads when you use precision-extruded tubing. Tubing is manufactured to tight tolerances that match our I/P pump heads. Choose from precision tubing or high-perfor...
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options Achieve top performance from your Masterflex I/P pump heads when you use precision-extruded tubing. Tubing is manufactured to tight tolerances that match our I/P pump heads. Choose from precision tubing or high-perfor...
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options Achieve top performance from your Masterflex I/P pump heads when you use precision-extruded tubing. Tubing is manufactured to tight tolerances that match our I/P pump heads. Choose from precision tubing or high-perfor...
~~BOREAL Butterfly Order Form 21~~
*IMPORTANT! PLEASE COMPLETE* CREDIT CARD INFORMATION VISA/MC _________________________ EXP._____ CVV2#______ The CVV2# is the last three digits of the number on the back of your card Ship to: _______________________________________________________...
通知:艾万拓中国业务运营主体的相关变更 尊贵的商业合作伙伴: 为更好地拓展中国市场和服务中国客户,艾万拓计划于2023年9月1日起对中国业务的运营实体做出相关调整。 一:业务由艾万拓威达优尔国际贸易(上海)有限公司法律实体变更至艾万拓生命科学(上海)有限公司 二:银行账号及税务登记信息 三:全电发票通知 感谢您的理解与支持。如有任何疑问,请联络您的客服,销售及采购联系人。 艾万拓威达优尔国际贸易(上海)有限公司 艾万拓生命科学(上海)有限公司 2023/06/26
Pripravené médiá
Pripravené médiá Kultivačné médiá pripravené na použitie, ktoré sú dostupné v rôznych podložkách, skúmavkách, fľašiach a vreckách. Vhodné pre každú aplikáciu. Trvalá vysoká kvalita Praktické riešenie Úspora času a nákladov Analytické certifikáty, ...
Masterflex I/P Tubin
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options Achieve top performance from your Masterflex I/P pump heads when you use precision-extruded tubing. Tubing is manufactured to tight tolerances that match our I/P pump heads. Choose from precision tubing or high-perfor...
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options Achieve top performance from your Masterflex I/P pump heads when you use precision-extruded tubing. Tubing is manufactured to tight tolerances that match our I/P pump heads. Choose from precision tubing or high-perfor...
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options Achieve top performance from your Masterflex I/P pump heads when you use precision-extruded tubing. Tubing is manufactured to tight tolerances that match our I/P pump heads. Choose from precision tubing or high-perfor...
Masterflex L/S チューブオプション
Masterflex L/S チューブオプション 精密押出チューブを使用することで、Masterflex L/Sポンプヘッドが 最高の性能を発揮します。チューブは、当社のL/Sポンプヘッドに適合するよう厳しい公差で 製造されています。 精密チューブまたは高性能精密チューブから選択します。高性能精密チューブは壁が厚いため、圧力発生、吸込揚程、粘性流体のポンプ能力、チューブ寿命が向上します。10種類以上の製剤から選択できます。 BioPharm Plusシリコン (白金硬化) BioPharm...
113 - 128 of 1,391