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You Searched For: 2,6-Dichloro-4-(trifluoromethoxy)aniline

1,391  results were found

chemical handling en mr

Toxic and corrosive materials Always treat all chemicals as potential poisons and be aware of properties/precautions before use. Avoid direct contact with any chemical and never breathe in solvent vapours. Examples of chemicals giving off vapours ...

Masterflex I/P Tubing Options

Masterflex I/P Tubing Options Achieve top performance from your Masterflex I/P pump heads when you use precision-extruded tubing. Tubing is manufactured to tight tolerances that match our I/P pump heads. Choose from precision tubing or high-perfor...

Microchem by AlphaTec Chemical Permeation Guide 20

Chemical Permeation Guide What is permeation? Permeation is the process by which a potentially hazardous chemical moves through a material on a molecular level. Molecules of chemical adsorb onto the outer surface of the material. They then enter a...

Blocs de construction, produits fluorochimiques et réactifs de synthèse : Apollo Scientific

Blocs de construction produits fluorochimiques et réactifs de synthèse : Apollo Scientific La société Apollo Scientific est spécialisée dans la fabrication et la distribution composés aromatiques hétérocycliques et aliphatiques mais aussi pour les...

Quantus facemask

Quantus facemask Features: Press studs for attaching to the hoods (3 on each side) Square shape Standard size: (W x L) 26 cm x 26 cm Optional features: Velcro strip for attaching to the hoods (internal or external) Variable dimensions Available wi...

chemical handling en mr

Toxic and corrosive materials Always treat all chemicals as potential poisons and be aware of properties/precautions before use. Avoid direct contact with any chemical and never breathe in solvent vapours. Examples of chemicals giving off vapours ...

chemical handling en mr

Toxic and corrosive materials Always treat all chemicals as potential poisons and be aware of properties/precautions before use. Avoid direct contact with any chemical and never breathe in solvent vapours. Examples of chemicals giving off vapours ...

chemical handling en mr

Toxic and corrosive materials Always treat all chemicals as potential poisons and be aware of properties/precautions before use. Avoid direct contact with any chemical and never breathe in solvent vapours. Examples of chemicals giving off vapours ...

chemical handling en mr

Toxic and corrosive materials Always treat all chemicals as potential poisons and be aware of properties/precautions before use. Avoid direct contact with any chemical and never breathe in solvent vapours. Examples of chemicals giving off vapours ...

Masterflex L/S Tubing Options

Masterflex L/S Tubing Options Achieve top performance from your Masterflex L/S pump heads when you use precision-extruded tubing. Tubing is manufactured to tight tolerances that match our L/S pump heads. Choose from precision tubing or high-perfor...

Masterflex I/P Tubing Options

Masterflex I/P Tubing Options Achieve top performance from your Masterflex I/P pump heads when you use precision-extruded tubing. Tubing is manufactured to tight tolerances that match our I/P pump heads. Choose from precision tubing or high-perfor...

Masterflex I/P チューブ オプション

Masterflex I/P チューブ オプション 精密押出チューブを使用することで、Masterflex I/Pポンプヘッドを最高の性能で使用することができます。チューブは、I/Pポンプヘッドに適合するよう厳しい公差で製造されています。チューブは、精密チューブと高性能精密チューブの2種類からお選びいただけます。高性能精密チューブは肉厚で、圧力発生、吸引揚程、粘性流体移送能力、チューブ寿命が向上します。十数種類の配合からお選びいただけます。 BioPharm Plus Silicone (...

Masque Quantus

Masque Quantus Caractéristiques : Boutons-pression de fixation à la cagoule (3 de chaque côté) Forme carrée Taille standard : (L × l) 26 cm × 26 cm Options : Bande velcro de fixation à la cagoule (intérieur ou extérieur) Dimensions variables Dispo...

Mascarillas Quantus

Mascarillas Quantus Características: Botones a presión para fijar a las capuchas (tres a cada lado) Forma cuadrada Tamaño estándar: (An x Al) 26 x 26 cm Características opcionales: Tira de velcro para fijar a las capuchas (interna o externa) Difer...

Varianty hadic Masterflex L/S

Varianty hadic Masterflex L/S Dosáhněte špičkového výkonu čerpacích hlav Masterflex L/S při používání přesně extrudovaných hadic. Hadice jsou vyráběny v přísných tolerancích které přesně odpovídají našim L/S hlavám. Zvolit můžete přesné hadice neb...

Masterflex I/P Tubing Options

Masterflex I/P Tubing Options Achieve top performance from your Masterflex I/P pump heads when you use precision-extruded tubing. Tubing is manufactured to tight tolerances that match our I/P pump heads. Choose from precision tubing or high-perfor...
97 - 112 of 1,391