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You Searched For: (±)-3,7-Dimethyl-3-octanol

1,522  results were found

Microchem by AlphaTec Chemical Permeation Guide 20

Chemical Permeation Guide What is permeation? Permeation is the process by which a potentially hazardous chemical moves through a material on a molecular level. Molecules of chemical adsorb onto the outer surface of the material. They then enter a...

PESTINORM® headspace solvents

PESTINORM® headspace solvents High purity solvents for organic volatile impurity analysis Static headspace GC (GC-HS) is a technique used to concentrate volatile analytes prior to analysis. It can improve detection of low levels of volatile analyt...

PESTINORM® headspace solvents

PESTINORM® headspace solvents High purity solvents for organic volatile impurity analysis Static headspace GC (GC-HS) is a technique used to concentrate volatile analytes prior to analysis. It can improve detection of low levels of volatile analyt...

Microchem by AlphaTec Chemical Permeation Guide 20

Chemical Permeation Guide What is permeation? Permeation is the process by which a potentially hazardous chemical moves through a material on a molecular level. Molecules of chemical adsorb onto the outer surface of the material. They then enter a...

PESTINORM® lösningsmedel för headspace analys

PESTINORM® lösningsmedel för headspace analys Högrena lösningsmedel för analys av flyktiga organiska föroreningar Statisk headspace GC (GC-HS) är en teknik som används för att koncentrera flyktiga analyter innan analys. Detta kan öka detektionen a...

PESTINORM® Headspace-Lösungsmittel

PESTINORM® Headspace-Lösungsmittel Hochreine Lösungsmittel für die Analyse flüchtiger organischer Verunreinigungen Bei der statischen Headspace-GC (GC-HS) handelt es sich um eine Technik zur Aufkonzentrierung flüchtiger Analyte vor der Analyse. Da...

Solvants PESTINORM® Headspace

Solvants PESTINORM® Headspace Solvants de haute pureté pour l'analyse des impuretés volatiles organiques L'analyse headspace GC statique (GC-HS) est une technique utilisée pour concentrer des analytes volatils avant l'analyse. Elle peut améliorer ...

RANKEM GC standard-Anniversary offer

RANKEM GC standard-Anniversary offer Lets celebrate Rankem GC standard Launch Anniversary Buy any of the below GC standard @ 40 % discount Rankem offers a wide range of GC standards for chromatographic and analytical applications & allows the anal...

Chemical Hand Protection

Chemical Hand Protection Ansell offers products and services that help protect workers against chemical exposure risks. Our Industry leading chemical protection portfolio makes Ansell the smart choice for your chemical protection needs AlphaTec® S...

Chemical Hand Protection

Chemical Hand Protection Ansell offers products and services that help protect workers against chemical exposure risks. Our Industry leading chemical protection portfolio makes Ansell the smart choice for your chemical protection needs AlphaTec® S...

Ochrana rukou proti chemikáliím

Ochrana rukou proti chemikáliím Společnost Ansell nabízí produkty a služby které pomáhají chránit pracovníky před nebezpečími souvisejícími s expozicí chemickým látkám. Díky našemu přednímu portfoliu chemické ochrany je společnost Ansell správnou ...

Chemical Hand Protection

Chemical Hand Protection Ansell offers products and services that help protect workers against chemical exposure risks. Our Industry leading chemical protection portfolio makes Ansell the smart choice for your chemical protection needs AlphaTec® S...
1 - 16 of 1,522