Blood collection tubes, EDTA, BD Vacutainer® with BD Hemogard™ closure

Supplier: BD Medical
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368856 368861 367525 368841 367836 367864 361017 368860 367862 367873 368857 368499 367839
BDAM368856EA 44.2 GBP
BDAM368856 BDAM368861 BDAM367525 BDAM368841 BDAM367836 BDAM367864 BDAM361017 BDAM368860 BDAM367862 BDAM367873 BDAM368857 BDAM368499 BDAM367839
Blood collection tubes, EDTA, BD Vacutainer® with BD Hemogard™ closure
Clinical Diagnostic Supplies Clinical Sample Collection/Preparation Blood Sample Collection/Preparation
These EDTA tubes are used to obtain a whole blood or EDTA plasma sample.

  • K2 or K3 potassium salt of EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic acid) is used as an anticoagulant
  • Aprotinin K3 EDTA tube is available for assays that require a proteolytic enzyme inhibitor

There are no functional differences between the two additives but physical difference between is K3EDTA is a liquid solution in the BD Vacutainer® glass tubes and K2 EDTA is a liquid solution that is spray coated onto the interior surface of the BD Vacutainer® plus tubes.

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