Vydac 218MS C18, HPLC columns

Supplier: Avantor
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218MS5C0150EA 248 GBP
218MS5C0150 218MS5402 218MS5205 218MS5405 218MS5.310 218MS5110 218MS5215 218MS5415 218MS51 218MS52 218MS53 218MS54 218MS510 218MS102215 218MS1010 218MS15204 218GD52MS/N 218GD54MS/N 218GK52MS/N 218GK54MS/N 218GK51MS/N
Vydac 218MS C18, HPLC columns
Chromatography Columns
Vydac MS columns are a later development from Grace for the reversed phase HPLC separation of biomolecules.

  • Five reversed-phase chemistries
  • Excellent peak shape with little or no TFA
  • High protein recoveries make scale-up easy

A proprietary surface treatment and bonding process give Vydac MS columns unique selectivity. A variety of reversed phases makes this product line suitable for the analysis of small peptides to large intact, undenatured proteins.

Polymeric bonding, highest hydrophobic interaction and unique geometric selectivity. Use forMore Product Information
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