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You Searched For: Microbiology+Test+Systems

22,121  results were found

Analysis for microbiological testing

Analysis for microbiological testing In microbiological testing after the cultivation step you are ready to identify the microorganisms in the sample. See our range of standard analyses or rapid tests. Microbiology New Products Search by microorga...

Analysis for microbiological testing

Analysis for microbiological testing In microbiological testing after the cultivation step you are ready to identify the microorganisms in the sample. See our range of standard analyses or rapid tests. Microbiology New Products Search by microorga...

Analysis for microbiological testing

Analysis for microbiological testing In microbiological testing, after the cultivation step, you are ready to identify the microorganisms in the sample. See our range of standard analyses or rapid tests. Microbiology New Products Search by microor...

Cell Culture Instrum

Cell Culture Instruments Our cell culture portfolio provides all the essential instruments tailored to the needs of your cell biology processes enabling you to perform to rigorous levels of precision accuracy and reproducibility... CO2 incubators ...

Cell Culture Instruments

Cell Culture Instruments Our cell culture portfolio provides all the essential instruments tailored to the needs of your cell biology processes enabling you to perform to rigorous levels of precision accuracy and reproducibility... CO2 incubators ...

Cell Culture Instruments

Cell Culture Instruments VWR®'s cell culture portfolio provides all the essential instruments tailored to the needs of your cell biology processes enabling you to perform to rigorous levels of precision accuracy and reproducibility. Browse Cell Cu...

Analysis for microbiological testing

Analysis for microbiological testing In microbiological testing after the cultivation step you are ready to identify the microorganisms in the sample. See our range of standard analyses or rapid tests. Microbiology New Products Search by microorga...

Analysis for microbiological testing

Analysis for microbiological testing In microbiological testing after the cultivation step you are ready to identify the microorganisms in the sample. See our range of standard analyses or rapid tests. Microbiology New Products Search by microorga...

미생물 검사를 위한 분석

미생물 검사를 위한 분석 미생물 검사에서는 배양 단계가 끝나면 검체 내에 존재하는 미생물을 식별할 수 있습니다. 당사의 표준 분석 및 신속 테스트 범위를 참조하십시오. 신제품 미생물 검색 Literature 프로모션 미생물 식별 신속한 미생물 식별을 위한 페트리 필름 및 테스트 키트와 같은 간단한 수작업 기술부터 현미경 및 자동 세균 계수까지 시료의 미생물 분석에 대한 모든 과정을 말합니다. Automatic colony counters ...

Rapid Microbiology Testing Kits

5 Types of Rapid Microbiology Test Kits Operate your testing laboratory at optimum speed with precision while maintaining maximum ease and efficiency. Avantor® has the solutions you need to build the best rapid testing systems for microbiological ...

Rapid Microbiology Testing Kits

5 Types of Rapid Microbiology Test Kits Operate your testing laboratory at optimum speed with precision while maintaining maximum ease and efficiency. Avantor® has the solutions you need to build the best rapid testing systems for microbiological ...


Print… Refine Result Product Category Media for Microbiology (74) Microbiology Test Systems (34) Swabs (5) Services (4) Assays (3) More... Water (2) Culture Dishes (2) Buffers (2) Racks (2) Gas Detection Systems (1) Slides (1) Samplers (1) Respira...

Microbiology and Rap

Microbiology and Rapid Tests Rapid reliable testing is a challenge for all manufacturers. VWR is here to help with a broad array of rapid tests media consumables and instruments to support all your needs. Rapid Test Systems BAX® System Q7 Startup ...

Sentino® microbiology system

Sentino® microbiology system Maximise workspace and minimise contaminants With the Sentino® microbiology system is possible to: Maximise workspace thanks to the compact design that frees valuable bench top space. The Workflow is optimised for the ...

Microbiology QC

Microbiology QC Sentino® microbiology system Maximise workspace and minimise contaminants With the Sentino® microbiology system is possible to: Maximise workspace thanks to the compact design that frees valuable bench top space. The Workflow is op...

Microbiology QC

Microbiology QC Sentino® microbiology system Maximise workspace and minimise contaminants With the Sentino® microbiology system is possible to: Maximise workspace thanks to the compact design that frees valuable bench top space. The Workflow is op...
1 - 16 of 22,121