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You Searched For: Histopaque®

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ポンプおよび流体移送システム用チューブの選択ガイド 流体プロセス用ポンプシステムの構築には、適切なポンプチューブが欠かせません。選択にあたっては、化学的適合性、操作温度、圧力、必要な規制当局の承認、チューブのガス透過性、洗浄・滅菌の要求事項など、アプリケーションのあらゆる側面を考慮する必要があります。 以下の「チューブ選択ガイド」を参考に、お客様のアプリケーションに最適なチューブをお選びください。化学的適合性ガイドおよび下表の耐薬品性の概要は、あくまでも目安です。耐薬品性およびチューブの摩...


容量和体积换算 立即换算容量和体积单位。76种不同单位可供选择,包括立方米、立方千米、立方分米、立方厘米、立方毫米、公升、艾升、拍升、太升...... 自: 至: 立方米 [m^3]立方千米 [km^3]立方分米 [dm^3]立方厘米 [cm^3 cc]立方毫米 [mm^3]公升 [L l]艾升 [EL]拍升 [PL]太升 [TL]吉升 [GL]兆升 [ML]千升 [kL]百升 [hL]十升 [daL]分升 [dL]厘升 [cL]毫升 [mL]微升 [µL]纳升 [nL]皮升 [pL]飞升...

Guia de seleção de tubos para bombas peristálticas

Guia para seleção de tubos para bombas e sistemas de manuseamento de fluidos Os tubos adequados são cruciais quando constrói o seu sistema de bombas para processamento de fluidos. Antes de escolher considere todos os aspetos da sua aplicação: comp...

Auswahlhilfe für Peristaltikpumpen

Leitfaden für die Auswahl von Schläuchen für Pumpen und Fluid-Handling-Systeme Die richtigen Pumpenschläuche sind entscheidend für den Aufbau Ihres Pumpensystems für die Flüssigkeitsverarbeitung. Bevor Sie sich entscheiden sollten Sie alle Aspekte...

FDA Compliant Viton Tubing

FDA Compliant Viton Tubing Advantages: Perfect for food and lab applications where FDA compliance is required. Good chemical resistance. Resistant to corrosives High temperature properties Limitations: Limited pumping life. Application Suitability...

Tubing Selection Guide for Peristaltic Pumps

Guide to Selecting Tubing for Pumps and Fluid Handling Systems The right pump tubing is crucial when building your fluid processing pump system. Before you choose consider all aspects of your application: Chemical compatibility operating temperatu...

Tubing Selection Guide for Peristaltic Pumps

Guide to Selecting Tubing for Pumps and Fluid Handling Systems The right pump tubing is crucial when building your fluid processing pump system. Before you choose consider all aspects of your application: Chemical compatibility operating temperatu...

Tubing Selection Guide for Peristaltic Pumps

Guide to Selecting Tubing for Pumps and Fluid Handling Systems The right pump tubing is crucial when building your fluid processing pump system. Before you choose consider all aspects of your application: Chemical compatibility operating temperatu...

Tubing Selection Guide for Peristaltic Pumps

Guide to Selecting Tubing for Pumps and Fluid Handling Systems The right pump tubing is crucial when building your fluid processing pump system. Before you choose consider all aspects of your application: Chemical compatibility operating temperatu...

Peristalttisten letkujen valintaopas

Opas pumppujen ja nesteenkäsittelyjärjestelmien letkujen valintaan Oikeat pumppuletkut ovat ratkaisevan tärkeitä pumppujärjestelmän nesteenkäsittelyn perustamisessa. Ennen letkun valintaa on huomioitava kaikki käyttökohteen näkökohdat: kemiallinen...

Tubing Selection Guide for Peristaltic Pumps

Guide to Selecting Tubing for Pumps and Fluid Handling Systems The right pump tubing is crucial when building your fluid processing pump system. Before you choose consider all aspects of your application: Chemical compatibility operating temperatu...

연동 펌프에 맞는 튜빙 선택 가이드

펌프 및 유체 이송 시스템에 맞는 튜빙 선택 가이드 펌프에 맞는 올바른 튜빙을 선택하는 것은 전반적인 유체 이송 시스템을 구축하기 위한 핵심입니다. 선택하기 전에 화학적 호환성 작동 온도 압력 필요한 규제 승인 튜빙의 가스 투과성 세척/살균 요구 사항 등 애플리케이션의 모든 측면을 고려해야 합니다. 애플리케이션에 적합한 튜빙을 선택하시려면 아래의 ~~튜빙 선택 가이드~~를 활용하십시오. 아래 표의 화학적 호환성 가이드 및 내화학성 요약은 ...

Tubing Selection Guide for Peristaltic Pumps

Guide to Selecting Tubing for Pumps and Fluid Handling Systems The right pump tubing is crucial when building your fluid processing pump system. Before you choose consider all aspects of your application: Chemical compatibility operating temperatu...

Guía de selección de

Guía de selección de tubos Utilice la «Guía de selección de tubos» a continuación que le ayudará a seleccionar los tubos apropiados para su aplicación. La guía de compatibilidad con productos químicos y el resumen de resistencia a productos químic...

Průvodce výběrem vedení pro peristaltické aplikace

Průvodce výběrem vedení pro čerpadla a systémy pro manipulaci s kapalinami Správné čerpadlové hadice jsou při sestavování čerpacího systému určeného ke zpracování tekutin klíčové. Před výběrem zvažte všechny aspekty vaší aplikace: chemickou kompat...

Auswahlhilfe für Peristaltikpumpen

Leitfaden für die Auswahl von Schläuchen für Pumpen und Fluid-Handling-Systeme Die richtigen Pumpenschläuche sind entscheidend für den Aufbau Ihres Pumpensystems für die Flüssigkeitsverarbeitung. Bevor Sie sich entscheiden sollten Sie alle Aspekte...
1 - 16 of 135