You Searched For: 5,6-Dibromo-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole
492 results were found
Protocolos Suportados
Protocolos Suportados Esta página apresenta os principais protocolos utilizados entre a VWR e os seus clientes. Se tem um pedido que não se encontra listado aqui envie-nos um e-mail para ou telefone para o departamento de e-Busi...
THI Total Healthcare Innovation GmbH
Print… Filtrar Resultados Categoria do Produto Máscaras respiratórias (2) Pilhas (2) Criteria Em stock (1) Fornecedor THI Total Healthcare Innovation GmbH (20) Refine by Suppliers Ordenar por Número de resultados A-Z (nome do fabricante) Z-A (nome...
Print… Filtrar Resultados Categoria do Produto Sacos (942) Esterilização (224) Capas de proteção (206) Canetas (26) Máscaras (13) Mais... Roupas Descartáveis (1) Fornecedor KEYSTONE CLEANROOM PRODUCTS (1436) Refine by Suppliers Ordenar por Número ...
Ordrelegging - hvordan laste opp
Ordrelegging - hvordan laste opp Lag en Excelfil Lag en Excelfil med tre kolonner: Kolonne A: Artikelnummer (f.eks. 213-1122) Kolonne B: Enhet (bruk tittel ”ea”) Kolonne C: Antall Tips! Lagre først som en vanlig Excelfil så du enkelt kan redigere ...
NEW PCR solutions from Avantor – now available !
NEW PCR solutions from Avantor – now available ! Covering essentially all products needed within the PCR workflow! 56 pages to help you to choose from a wide range of cyclers – workstations – reagents – consumables - complementary equipment and to...
NEW PCR solutions from Avantor – now available !
NEW PCR solutions from Avantor – now available ! Covering essentially all products needed within the PCR workflow! 56 pages to help you to choose from a wide range of cyclers – workstations – reagents – consumables - complementary equipment and to...
蠕動ポンプを使用した細胞感応式ポンプ移送 生細胞ポンプ移送用Ismatec Pro-280ポンプヘッド BVPプロセスまたはMCPプロセスの 蠕動ポンプ駆動装置に 接続されたPro-280ポンプヘッドは、 細胞損傷を最小限に抑えながら生細胞を連続的にポンプ移送するのに適したシステムです。バイオテクノロジー用途での使用に適した 独自に設計されたシステムです。研究所規模および30リットルまでの小規模生産炉で試験されています。 その仕組みは? ポンプ ヘッド Pro-280は2つの凸型ローラーを...
使用蠕动泵处理细胞敏感泵送 用 Ismatec Pro-280 泵头泵送活细胞 连接 Pro-280 泵头与 BVP 或 MCP 蠕动泵 驱动器后,所形成的系统 可用于持续泵送活细胞,同时能最大限度减少细胞损伤。该系统设计独特, 适用于生物技术应用。该系统已在实验室以及高达 30 升的小型生产反应器中经过测试。 它是如何工作的? 泵头 Pro-280 带有 2 个球面滚轴,管床呈凹形。在滚轴完全挤压并闭合泵管之前,细胞可以逃入管壁间隙,这样既不会被“压扁”也不会被损坏。 动物细胞培养应用中...
Hur du laddar upp orderformulär
Hur du laddar upp orderformulär Arbetar du med produktlistor utanför och önskar kunna ladda upp dessa direkt till din varukorg? Så här gör du! Om du klickar på Orderformulär högst upp till höger på hemsidan har du möjlighet att ladda up...
NEW PCR solutions from Avantor – now available !
NEW PCR solutions from Avantor – now available ! Covering essentially all products needed within the PCR workflow! 56 pages to help you to choose from a wide range of cyclers – workstations – reagents – consumables - complementary equipment and to...
Furnace Parts
Furnace Parts Please note: these parts are for the MAS electric fusion/cupellation furnace. VWR offers a wide assortment of products and brands in this category. If you cannot find the product or brand that you are looking for in this listing plea...
~~PSA-Reinraumbekleidung für den Einmalgebrauch in Ihrem Reinraum – steril und unsteril~~
PSA-Reinraumbekleidung für den Einmalgebrauch in Ihrem Reinraum – steril und unsteril Erhältlich als einzelne Overalls oder als Kits (steril) Schützt Anwender Produkte und Prozesse in Ihrem Reinraum. Overalls (mikroporös) mit Kapuze Kat. III Typ 4...
Contact VWR Canada Mining Customer Service CANADA VWR International LLC 2360 Argentia Road Mississauga ON L5N 5Z7 Mining Customer Service Phone: (855) 599-2692 Mining Customer Fax: (800) 889-8496 International Customer Service ...
Čerpání kapalin s citlivými buňkami pomocí peristaltických čerpadel
Čerpání kapalin s citlivými buňkami pomocí peristaltických čerpadel Čerpadlová hlava Ismatec Pro-280 pro čerpání živých buněk Hlava čerpadla Pro-280 připojená k BVP nebo MCP procesnímu peristaltickému čerpadlu je systém vhodný pro nepřetržité čerp...
Cell sensitive pumping with peristaltic pumps
Cell sensitive pumping with peristaltic pumps Ismatec Pro-280 pumphead for pumping living cells The Pro-280 pump head connected to either a BVP Process or MCP Process peristaltic pump drive is a suitable system to continuously pump living cells wh...
Cell sensitive pumping with peristaltic pumps
Cell sensitive pumping with peristaltic pumps Ismatec Pro-280 pumphead for pumping living cells The Pro-280 pump head connected to either a BVP Process or MCP Process peristaltic pump drive is a suitable system to continuously pump living cells wh...
1 - 16 of 492