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You Searched For: 4-Bromo-6,8-difluoro-2-methylquinoline

523  results were found

Apollo Scientific - Blocos de construção, fluoroquímicos e reagentes de síntese

Apollo Scientific - Blocos de construção fluoroquímicos e reagentes de síntese Apollo Scientific é um especialista no fabrico e fornecimento de compostos aromáticos heterocíclicos e alifáticos e também fluoroquimicos e reagentes de Life Science. C...

I+D, QA/QC, ensayos

I+D QA/QC ensayos Ciencia avanzada de baterías – Productos químicos y materias primas – I+D QA/QC ensayos Avantor impulsa la ciencia avanzada de las baterías para crear un mundo mejor Avantor ofrece también una amplia gama de productos químicos pa...

R&D, QA/QC, ensaio

R&D QA/QC ensaio Ciência avançada de baterias - Produtos químicos e matérias-primas – R&D QA/QC ensaio A Avantor está a colocar em movimento a ciência das baterias para criar um mundo melhor Avantor também possui uma ampla gama de produtos químico...

R&S, QA/CQ, test

R&S QA/CQ test Scienza avanzata delle batterie - Prodotti chimici e materie prime - R&S QA/CQ test Avantor mette in moto la scienza avanzata delle batterie per creare un mondo migliore Avantor offre anche un'ampia gamma di prodotti chimici per la ...

~~Explore Discovery Education TechKits for Grades K-8~~

Explore Discovery Education TechKits for Grades K-8 TechKits for Elementary Kindergarten TechKit Includes materials for hands-on labs in the following Techbook units: Energy and Motion Living Thinks The World Around Us Item Number: 470229-502 Grad...

BOD incubators

BOD incubators All BOD methods require samples to be kept at 20 °C (68 °F) for 5 days. VWR offers a wide range of temperature-controlled incubators. The Lovibond® range 6 models; 2 to 40 °C (0,1 °), 135 to 445 l The Velp range 6 models; fixed or 3...

Inkubátory BOD

Inkubátory BOD Všetky metódy BOD si vyžadujú uchovávanie vzoriek pri teplote 20 °C (68 °F) počas 5 dní. Spoločnosť VWR ponúka široké spektrum inkubátorov s reguláciou teploty. Sortiment Lovibond® 6 modelov; 2 až 40 °C (01 °) 135 až 445 l Sortiment...

BOD incubators

BOD incubators All BOD methods require samples to be kept at 20 °C (68 °F) for 5 days. VWR offers a wide range of temperature-controlled incubators. The Lovibond® range 6 models; 2 to 40 °C (01 °) 135 to 445 l The Velp range 6 models; fixed or 3 t...

BOD incubators

BOD incubators All BOD methods require samples to be kept at 20 °C (68 °F) for 5 days. VWR offers a wide range of temperature-controlled incubators. The Lovibond® range 6 models; 2 to 40 °C (01 °) 135 to 445 l The Velp range 6 models; fixed or 3 t...

BOD Measurement/Respiration

BOD Measurement/Respiration Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is an important measure of quality in water resource management. VWR offers products for the different methods that are available. BOD incubators All BOD methods require samples to be kept...

BOD Measurement/Resp

BOD Measurement/Respiration Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is an important measure of quality in water resource management. VWR offers products for the different methods that are available. BOD incubators All BOD methods require samples to be kept...

BOD incubators

BOD incubators All BOD methods require samples to be kept at 20 °C (68 °F) for 5 days. VWR offers a wide range of temperature-controlled incubators. The Lovibond® range 6 models; 2 to 40 °C (01 °) 135 to 445 l The Velp range 6 models; fixed or 3 t...

BOD Measurement/Respiration

BOD Measurement/Respiration Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is an important measure of quality in water resource management. VWR offers products for the different methods that are available. BOD incubators All BOD methods require samples to be kept...

BOD 측정/호흡

BOD 측정/호흡 생물학적 산소 요구량 (BOD)는 수자원 관리에서 품질의 중요한 척도입니다. VWR은 다른 측정법을 위한 다양한 제품을 제공합니다. BOD 인큐베이터 모든 BOD 방법에서는 샘플을 5 일 동안 20 ° C (68 ° F)로 유지해야합니다. VWR은 다양한 온도 제어 인큐베이터를 제공합니다 호흡 BOD: BOD 셀프 체크 산소의 감소는 압력 센서에 의해 측정되는 명확한 압력 차이를 유발합니다. 실용적이고 실험을 쉽게 수행할...


BODインキュベーター 全てのBOD方法では、サンプルを5日間、20°C(68°F)で保存する必要があります。VWRは、様々な温度制御インキュベーターを提供しています。
1 - 16 of 523