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35  results were found

Understanding ANSI ISEA 105 White Paper

ANSI ISEA 105-2016 American National Standard for Hand Protection Understanding the ANSI ISEA 105-2016 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD FOR HAND PROTECTION INTRODUCTION ANSI/ISEA 105-2016 is the latest revision of a voluntary industry consensus standard...

Understanding ANSI ISEA 105 White Paper

ANSI ISEA 105-2016 American National Standard for Hand Protection Understanding the ANSI ISEA 105-2016 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD FOR HAND PROTECTION INTRODUCTION ANSI/ISEA 105-2016 is the latest revision of a voluntary industry consensus standard...

~~2016 11 07 TDB Introduction to Respirator Fit Testing Europe~~

An Introduction to Tight-Fitting Respirator Fit Testing 7th November 2016 The Technical Data Bulletin is intended to be relevant to employers and respirator wearers in Europe the Middle East and Africa. This document particularly highlights fit te...

~~2016 11 07 TDB Introduction to Respirator Fit Testing Europe~~

An Introduction to Tight-Fitting Respirator Fit Testing 7th November 2016 The Technical Data Bulletin is intended to be relevant to employers and respirator wearers in Europe the Middle East and Africa. This document particularly highlights fit te...

~~2016 11 07 TDB Introduction to Respirator Fit Testing Europe~~

An Introduction to Tight-Fitting Respirator Fit Testing 7th November 2016 The Technical Data Bulletin is intended to be relevant to employers and respirator wearers in Europe the Middle East and Africa. This document particularly highlights fit te...


+ward’ssciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Pumice Type: Igneous; extrusive (pyroclastic). Texture/Appearance: Glassy vesicular foamy frothy. Very light-weight with numerous vacuoles (some varieties float in water). A natural glass froth in which the vo...

Diamond 800-962-2660 Diamond C Crystallography: Isometric; 4/m32/m. Crystals usually octahedral but can be cubic or dodecahedral; curved faces are frequently observed. Physical Properties: Cleavage: {111} perfect; 4-cleavage directions. Fractu...


Almandine Fe3+2 Al2 (SiO4)3 (Garnet Group) Crystallography: Isometric; 4/m32/m. common forms are dodecahedron and trapezohedron. Also massive granular. Physical Properties: Cleavage: Not prominent; {110} parting sometimes distinct. Fracture subcon...

Opal 800-962-2660 Opal SiO2 • nH2O Crystallography: None amorphous. Massive often in rounded and botryoidal forms sometimes pisolitic. Physical Properties: Cleavage: None; conchoidal fracture. Hardness: 5.0-6.0. Specific Gravity: 2.0-2.25. ...


ward’s sciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Corundum Al2O3 Crystallography: Hexagonal-R; 32/m. Crystals commonly tabular on {0001} or prismatic {1120}; often rude barrel-shaped crystals. Usually massive; coarse or fine granular. Physical Properties: Cle...

AT-93-260 VERTICAL ONE PAGER PaintWorkers

1 MICROFLEX® 93-260 CHEMICAL RESISTANT DISPOSABLE GLOVE Tough Chemical Protection and Unparalleled Comfort for Paint Work CHALLENGES Paint shop workers are exposed to harsh chemicals and aggressive solvents when mixing and spraying paints. Even af...

~~AT-93-260 VERTICAL ONE PAGER Maintainence~~

1 MICROFLEX® 93-260 CHEMICAL RESISTANT DISPOSABLE GLOVE Tough Chemical Protection and Unparalleled Comfort for Maintenance Workers CHALLENGES Maintenance and repair workers across a range of industries are often exposed to caustic cleaning agents ...

AT-93-260 VERTICAL ONE PAGER Maintainence

1 MICROFLEX® 93-260 CHEMICAL RESISTANT DISPOSABLE GLOVE Tough Chemical Protection and Unparalleled Comfort for Maintenance Workers CHALLENGES Maintenance and repair workers across a range of industries are often exposed to caustic cleaning agents ...

Ansell Guardian Campaign Case Study Letter Format

BACKGROUND Established in 1964 the Arabian Drilling Company (ADC) is a limited liability partnership between the Indust- rialization & Energy Services Company (TAQA) which owns 51% a Saudi Joint Stock company and Services Petroliers Schlumberger S...

AT-93-260 VERTICAL ONE PAGER PaintWorkers

1 MICROFLEX® 93-260 CHEMICAL RESISTANT DISPOSABLE GLOVE Tough Chemical Protection and Unparalleled Comfort for Paint Work CHALLENGES Paint shop workers are exposed to harsh chemicals and aggressive solvents when mixing and spraying paints. Even af...

Ansell Guardian Campaign Case Study Letter Format

BACKGROUND Established in 1964 the Arabian Drilling Company (ADC) is a limited liability partnership between the Indust- rialization & Energy Services Company (TAQA) which owns 51% a Saudi Joint Stock company and Services Petroliers Schlumberger S...
1 - 16 of 35